WoW is heading to a heavy RPG direction, not tryhards, numbers and contests

Which is why people base their opinion about min/maxing on many factors, theorycrafters/pro players with long years of experience, simulations, logs.

See how I completly ignore icyvein. Because icyvein cater to new players, not min/maxers.

After yesterday’s stream. Do you feel shadowlands is just BFA 2.0, entirely repackaged ??

They are changing a lot of systems that are comparable to BFA. So it could be seen as BFA 2.0 but it’s closer to a Legion 2.0 when BFA was a Legion lite for the main reason that they are actually making quality stuff. BFA for me will stay as “Beta for Azeroth”, an unfinished, uncared, unbalanced expansion being only comparable to WoD.


Very much so, with a touch of some Classic elements.

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You are right there, esport focus is not compatible with fun rpg focus.

So I feel they are focusing on the RPG parts and letting esport be its own thing, it is a disaster but clearly it is not their main focus and it should have never been

They do all the time, my posts get restored by mods after a while since using the report button as a new dislike doesnt change anything :3
Even though I know people like to abuse the report function to get people banned for not fitting in, thankfully blizzard mods dont allow that

Yes, a questionable choice from them. Either Ralph is a paid actor or they just actually don’t care about their own CoC.


This is only insulting if said guild is overly concerned with doing anything above normal though. The point of video games is to fill free time and to have fun. I’m not saying people who min/max don’t do this but it certainly isn’t the only way to do so.

And besides if a guild is just waiting for others to make or to change to a spec/build/rotation to play then that person/guild is casual as well, just not as casual as the people who play less than perfect specs/builds/gear sets.

You know OP everything you say has so much good stuff and then it just gets sunk by the “anti-elitist” rhetoric. I hate elitists as much as the next person but damn. It keeps polluting your points and makes it really hard to agree even at the points I agree with because it’s clear there is a hidden agenda.

One thing I do hope is if they really have like a ton of different subsystems to do (sanctum, torghast, the anima powering areas of a zone, etc.) that they don’t back down if people cry that they have to do all of them. The idea as I interpreted it was having a variety of things to do that appeal to different people’s tastes. Which I think on paper is a very good thing, and if someone feels they need to do every single thing then IMHO that’s on them, not on Blizzard.

I like how he’s got half the forums blocked so he’s just in his own little bubble in outer space, ranting away, at this point


Tbf, he’s put everyone else who disagrees with him on ignore, so it wouldn’t be a surprise.

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very true. look at swtor

But the dude’s each thread still gets 100 + replies, I will give him that :sweat_smile:


Well they said you can switch Soulbinds around as you please, which is cool.

Honestly, if Blizzard does it correctly (which I hope they do) there will be no need to switch Covenants willy nilly. Realistically, all 3 soulbinds per 1 Covenant should attempt to encompass all activities WoW related.

If they fail to do this then Covenants will be a complete failure. But if they are able to satisfy niche roles and balance them to be good while still doing different things, it will be a success. Just gotta wait and see. I’m cautiously optimistic.

For me its not just which one is better for aoe or single target. Some of the utility soul binds are just out of wack. Granted what we have right now is datamined so it can change but currently there are 3 ignore death soulbinds. One gives you 4 secs of invul that heals you for 50% of the damage taken in those 4 sec with a 8 min cooldown, another turns you into a seed that will res you after a few sec with a 30 min cooldown and the seed can be killed, and the last lets you stay alive for a extra 10 sec but you do 50% less damage and you cant be healed so you die after those 10 sec anyway. Those are a little (alot) unbalanced imo.

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I wonder when the forum mods will realize that he exists solely to be inflammatory. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Wow is heading somewhere for sure. Not sure where. It’s dark and smelly

Swtor is doing pretty well, great pvp, fun raids, superior story and class design.

The only thing that ruins it is lack of dps meters and lack of frequent content updates, otherwise it is way better designed than wow

You can literally farm good ilvl loot on your main and send it to alts since gear is account bound, years ahead of WoW

They are making broad changes to make the game function more like TBC or vanilla. its kinda obvious with the Pot changes and profession changes.

Aside from the 5th of 6th last thread he made 2 days ago that got locked, i agree.

This is just weird. If i were too done any amount of the stuff Ralph does, i would’ve been out of here in a heartbeat. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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As much i like to see how much numbers i’m doing, i’m not going to let that get in between me and my love for the game because that’s just silly.

EA is busy trying to figure out how to kill Bioware and Respawn studios. /j

But frequent were talking about exactly? As frequent as Blizzard’s or on the lines of Squenix?