WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

Hard disagree.

You’re not allowed to meme or even be funny without catching a suspension at least once by someone who got upset. The community attitude and the way most people are on Classic seems pretty chill at best imo. At worst, you get spammed or ignored, but that’s like if you straight up are a d-bag or scam.

with the way you’re wording things I can’t even tell which side you’re arguing for

with critique skills like that you should work for IGN


Controversial opinion time:

I think, maybe…

Both games are equally good???


All this post does is make me want to try that game.


FFXIV really doesn’t do a good job of keeping players for long periods of time imo, after 2 expansions the content gets so stale.

FFXIV is fine, but the devs don’t care about keeping players. They only care about getting new players, if you have done everything in FFXIV(there isn’t actually a lot of complete like WoW), you will fall into a rut of doing the same stuff over and over, day after day.

WoW is the better game.

I’m usually a mega weeb, but I find FFXIV’s tone very off-putting. It’s so much that I even prefer playing F2P trash like Aion over it.

Ah, another insecure WoW fanboy who feels the need to post in this safe space to try and stop the bleeding WoW subs from jumping ship to a much better game.

Here’s what your post said, translated: “Please don’t try FFXIV, it’s good, and my friends list is getting deader by the minute, I’m all alone, PLEASE DON’T GO!!!11!!1!”


They are about the same. I play them both on and off.

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IF you can suffer through the horrendous 14 leveling it gets pretty amazing in instances later on, but that’s a big if. THeir raids and dungeons are very cinematic like the single player games which makes it awesome. its quite an achievement to have worse leveling than WoW tho

Apples and oranges tbh. FFXIV is a single player game with social hubs. WoW is turbonormie group-based entertainment gaming. Both are fun for different reasons.


tanking is better in ffiv


Both games do certain things better than each other. XIV absolutely crushes WoW in story, presentation, and music. It’s not even a contest there. WoW however is much more pick up and play friendly and gets you into endgame much, much quicker. The combat systems are similar on the surface but drastically different at cap and really only people that have played both extensively can properly speak on that.

Which one is better is purely up to your own tastes. Or you can just play both. I do.


Well how long does it take to get to endgame and is it any fun until that point?
That’s a big factor as if it takes reeeeallly long to get to any fun then it might wanna look into changing it a bit.

That’s why I’m excited for the lvl squish in SL. I think for a new player it’s disheartning to see that the endgame stuff is 100+ lvls away from them and halfway there they wanna reroll and try a new class.

It’s a small part for most veteran players but for new players the leveling experience is very important for hooking in new players.


ff14 starting to truly shine only with first expansion. Realm reborn is kinda painful


Thank you Imindrill very cool

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Ya know it’s just a different kind of game.

I didn’t care for it, I’m not a fan of it

But, I don’t think it needs to be a competition.