WoW Is Back!

WoW never left… we just had a not so good Expansion. There is still a lot that hasn’t been seen and tested so personally I’m holding off judgement 'till a little more is tested, shown, and so on.

But hopefully this more ‘‘positive’’? reception should give a much needed confidence boost to the team.

Exactly. Im glad they are taking the approach to put major systems into the game as quick as possible. This way we prevent a Azerite Armor and Power situation whereas nobody got to really test the majority of the system until it was too late and feedback wouldnt matter at that point

Except secondary stats on tier never change with spec. They are static.

And historically they gave all of the different stats and didn’t focus on some of them.

So no, they didn’t.

Gear is going to drop a lot less commonly now. Also, crafting legendary stuff and all the upgrade stuff is just going to replace the grind for power. It will be similar to azerite traits mixed with legendaries. It will be heavily time-gated and grindy.

The grind is going to be long.

Yes it is. You have vitality, which is going to be like sanity.

It will be pretty similar and achieve the same goal.

Lots of people aren’t happy with the button bloat.

Haven’t seen any news on this, must be one or two very specific abilities. Probably on tanks like a druid’s frenzied regeneration.

This has been said about every single expansion to date, by the way.

Visuals, probably. However, I don’t think they are going to return to set bonuses though and I hope they never do.

Vitality has been confirmed by Blizzard to NOT be in Torghast. We still dont know what World Quests 2.0 will look like. We have people testing the game right now to address the class changes and see what needs to be added/removed/nerfed/buffed. They stated in the interview with Sloot they dont want the set bonuses to return as they nullified any other gear you got as you wouldnt break up the bonuses for a random piece of gear. Finally yes they say it for every single expansion however they are pushing systems out way quicker then usual and on top of that it is fair to point out they cant take another BFA sized catastrophe again. This expac could very well make or break the game depending on how good or bad it is.
The Vitality info is found in the Torghast of the Damned Forum post by Phaerix.

Yeah, you’re right primary stats only changed. I don’t know why I thought they all changed. I think it just got itemized better I guess, or streamlining stats just made it easier get right.

There are likely going to be soft enrages on boss fights, which if they aren’t dealt with in proper time, then you die, drain your count and eventually fail the run. It’s the same thing as a timed run, you can just take a bathroom break before pulling a boss…

EDIT: Alright, so they claim vitality isn’t tied to the runs. The rest of what I said still stands true.

Fair to point out they do say that everything is in development so Vitality could eventually show up I suppose if they feel it is necessary

Yeah, I finally saw it and edited my post. Like I said, it’s still going to be timed, just not in a ticking clock fashion. I’d bet money there are going to be soft enrages galore in there. Bosses that stack some debuff on you that will eventually one-shot you and such. Think of the void elementals in HVs that stack the shadow damage taken debuff.

Its possible that Based on what they said eventually if you die enough times repetitively you will unleash the creature that one shots anyone in the party. If you get killed by that creature you are kicked out of the tower until you can reenter again. It appears eventually if you dont use your anima to get the right special passives and abilities within Torghast you will eventually hit a hard wall until you find a way to overcome it and such

As it did before, and should.

No, because it comes from Torghast and Covenant content, which they’ve said probably won’t be gated.

Just don’t do PvP then? It’s finally a way to get the gear you want. Do raiding instead if you’re concerned about how long it’ll take to get that gear.

Vitality was removed. They’ve confirmed that several times over.

We don’t know what Callings are yet, exactly. We can’t say much of anything until then.

I don’t think lots of people = you.

It’s several, actually. You can easily check the Wowhead link I’ve provided in this thread for more info. Watch the interviews before you complain about systems :man_shrugging:

Nope. Everybody knew from the beginning that BFA feedback was VERY sparse. No blog posts, no end-game systems, nothing.

They said it’s most likely coming back in patch content in Shadowlands, and they want to re-think bonus systems.

How is a soft enrage anything like a timed run?

Do you consider raids to be timed content like mythic+?

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They’re just trying to defend defenseless points. Seems to me that they obviously haven’t watched any of the interviews or kept up to date with the news posts, or else they would’ve known a bit more about Legendaries, the emissary replacement, specific GCD changes, and Torghast.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:, Right! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: this would be for M+ chest only

Look how well it worked and how many people quit because they got bored of not getting upgrades.

It’s already been confirmed that it’s time gated.

People are going to complain about it taking a long while. Personally, I don’t care.

There are quite a few threads on this topic already. Lots of people are against it.

Except I can pull up dozens and dozens of youtube videos about it and all the excitement around it. Videos from top WoW youtubers.

They could find other ways to work in bonuses, sure. As for the traditional 2/3/4/5/6/7/X piece bonues, I doubt they will come back. They were too rigid and forced players.

Your progression isn’t guaranteed if you can’t beat an enrage or soft-enrage. That, by definitely, is a timer. You just won’t have a sanity timer ticking down while you afk between pulls.

If a boss has a tight five minute berserk timer, then yeah, it’s a clock-race. Not in the same fashion as a mythic+, but definitely similar.

EDIT: Oh and since we are claiming people aren’t reading or listening to the news: “If he reaches the end of the level or kills all the players in the level, your run ends and you are thrown out of Torghast.”

Yeah, that’s a timer alright… He’s basically nemesis. You can’t kill him, but you can stop him for a short time. I imagine the time he’s stopped for gets shorter and shorter each time you do so. “The Tarragrue cannot be defeated, but there are whispers that it is possible to slow him—if only for a moment.”

Basically, you’ll be able to do the easy levels of it, like doing the starting areas of a HV. You won’t be able to easily push the harder levels until you have more upgrades. That’s where your real rewards are going to come from. You will die working on progression, Tarragrue will spawn and you’ll be limited on time to progress through the content. This will keep you from cheesing your way to the top by pulling a pack, nuking one, dying, coming back, killing a second mob, dying, etc etc.

You like being bored because you got fully kitted in a month?

sorry…forgot to mute this thread lol
Fixed. :slight_smile:

when you create your own game lasts 15+ years and has 0 errors then i will value your modicum of response

I pay to play this game NOT create one tyvm. There is a difference but that’s something your little mind can’t comprehend. Go climb back in the hole you crawled out from please…….