WoW is an MMO

blizzard you have forgotten.

WoW is not an E-sport.
WoW is not a mobile game.
WoW is not an FPS

WoW is supposed to be a massive MULTI-PLAYER online RPG.

The peak of warcraft was TBC/Wrath in terms of subs right?
People LOVED these expansions.

were people focused on Arena? sure but it wasnt the driving force.

Were people focused on world first gameplay? some yes but it wasnt the driving force.

The driving force of WoW was that it was a game that required people to come together to complete a common goal. And it did this without forcing automation or gatekeeping or all the other unnecessary stuff in the game today.

People logged in because they couldnt wait to play with their friends, even if it was once-twice a week.

People did NOT want to log in to grind anima/artifact power/etc…

Go back to what WoW is SUPPOSED to be.


Agree - this is why I play more and more in FFXIV then WoW - still 6 days of active subsription - but I think is time to switch to MMO and RPG game like FFXIV.

WoW is like McDonald now and for people who like this type of fast-short-unhealty-pleasure.


Right now the devs seem to think it’s a mythic dungeon arcade game with some window dressing.


Preach it.

I want that game that I loved, that I couldn’t wait to log onto, to play with my friends, by myself, whatever. I sooo miss it. I want it back please, asap.


delete raids no one has 25 friends


Agree so very much.



Please hold, just finishing my mission table

Ok what were you saying?


WoW is a MOM.


Not an MMO currently, just a massive online game. Cannot be multiplayer when there is no one left to play with lol.


really? when did QUESTING require me to gang up with other players?
You sell the game to MoRE people by offering DIFFERENT KINDS of content.
If They did what youre railing on about they’d lose another 40% of their players

No…literally I didnt. I logged in to do a ton of SOLO content.
which is why Im NOT playing since hitting 9/9 many weeks ago.
MORE solo content is what this game needs.
LESS of the crap grinding…MORE quest lines to play thru.


lol what?

That’s exactly what mmo stands for.

massive multiplayer online game.

Weird. I don’t have a problem finding people to play with.


WoW is whatever Blizzard decides to make it. Our only choice is if we will continue to play or not, but make no mistake yelling on the forums “WOW IS NOT…” affects absolutely squat.


They did.

But wasn’t this also the period where Blizzard said that there were more people below level cap than at level cap?

If I’m not misremembering that line, it says to me that there was a high amount of turnover and that the growth was just outpacing the turnover for awhile.

I think people tend to attribute too much of WoW’s success to the design of the game at the time. We wouldn’t still be sitting at 12 million subs or whatever if we kept WotLKs design philosophy. That’s not why the population started declining.


Wow is a MMORPG not a MMo ,we are individuals on an adventure using the skill and talents we have to better ourselves and those around us. With that we also at the end come together ,all even the lowest level, to fight against the odds before us. This is what wow is to me inmho.


Not sure if it will ever go that route anymore.

All they needed to do was focus on Rated Battlegrounds which is a larger scale of pvp than arenas. However nevertheless it shouldn’t had gone the E-sport route, but it did.


Something to consider though, the culture has changed. The original gamers grew up and many have kids who are now gamers with different tastes. In BC / Wrath we didn’t have the surplus of expertly written guides and addons that basically turn us into cyborgs who can perform many times faster than players in the first couple of expansions.

Look at Vanilla Ragnaros and Heroic Denathrius. No comparison.

The old feel of wow can’t be reclaimed because it relied on us experiencing it for the first time and not being borderline pro gamers with expert knowledge and a decade+ of play time.


People like you keep Gamestop in business. You need a couple of consoles, and just a stack of four hour games that you can trade in nonstop. A lot more of us want group oriented RPG faire that is more sword and sorcery, less M+ Fast and Furious.


I want the video games 20 years from now where I can throw my weapon down and beat a skeleton guard to pieces with my bare hands. Haptic feedback glove controller, of course.

Give me that.


Though some would play it still the same and never get bored of it ,yet the raids are getting more complex with the dance and hoop jumping than it was back then still an old timer can do them but it is unnecessary to have it so.

So you are saying we should have a new wow with more complex twist turn dancing and pin point accurately targeting to please the new generation ? and skip the rpg then moble it the game for that and there are more of them than hair on a person head(if you not balded).

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Does anyone actually like WoW esports ?.