WoW is Aliving

I dont know what has been going on for the last few years but i cant help but think WoW is aliving slowly but clearly.

RPG elements coming back, some rich side quests with story and character development, content coming at us through a fire hose, fun game modes like Plunderstorm and ReMoP. A complete lack of Shaman support.

It feels like weve come a long way from the depths of 9.1 and i really wish the powers that be would acknowledge this and give everyone raises. Strong work, folks. And i for one am strongly considering 6-month subscribing my account.


If you look at the worst projections of subscriptions, a majority of WoW players kept their subs through Shadowlands. As for the minority that didn’t, no question some hated the release.

But there was massive negative advertising from super subscription YouTube CCs, FFXIV had incredible buzz and the Chinese players went offline.

Personally SL was one of my favorite expansions.

WoW is still one of the top MMO’s, and has been for years, there’s a few million on Retail spread between all the realms, and idk about Classic but it’s probably a least another million or few there, between all the versions.

I think, WoW is currently in the realm of 3-4 million total players, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 5-7m at most, some speculate it might be the latter.

Between all the versions.

Peak WoW was like 12 million players, back during Wrath.

It’s probably higher if you count China lol, they actually love WoW over there too.

There’s a diehard fanbase, same as any other long-running game or series. They’ll stick around no matter what.

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China literally does not have WoW anymore.


The new characters are bad, the new lore is bad, the gameplay as a whole is bad.

The game is unaliving and will probably continue limping on in this weird limbo state.


I don’t think the Taiwanese servers ever went down, and microsoft and netease just came to a new agreement to bring blizz games bacm to china back in april. So they probably will be back again soon enough if they werent already continuing via the other servers.

Its “Aliving” because of Classic WoW not retail…

Could you please share the demographics for Classic WoW since the release of Classic WoW in 2019 and show us the comparison with Retail then?

I see what yer doing here.

i do not have to pull anything because i know when classic wow came out subs go up then when dragonflight come out subs went down…

haha, that’s me…

Shadowlands was my last mistake [I enjoy leveling on BFA way more, Drustvar I love you]

But I didn’t understand Dragonflight as an expansion…
Or care about it’s lore.
Maybe those who play it will prove me wrong.

Oh, ok then bro.

I thought that you had a base for what you just said.

You mean in 2019, with the re-edition of the classic Vanilla, right?
do you remember how many servers existed during the peak of Classic wow and how many were left when TBC Classic was released?

And that they opened like 4 new realms for Wrath classic and then these 4 new realms plus others that existed were already dead by the end of Wrath?

Right now the amount of servers is like 1/5 of the servers that existed before.

That tells me the huge decline of Classic.

Yes and also no, there’s private servers that are run from what I hear, also WoW might be coming back to China, if not already is back.

because pandaria remix now not retail

That is retail, literally, with all retail skills, talents and mechanics.

But I haven’t said anything about retail, I just pointed out the blatant decline in classic which indicates it is dead.

Honestly, for as much pissing and moaning as there’s been in DF there has been a lot of really good stuff; crests is great for giving us a deterministic method to improve our gear that encourage pushing higher content, the raids were fun, there was a steady stream of content, the advent of the trading post, extroardinarily good writing in spots…

It’s not perfect of course. But DF has simply been a huge step up from the last couple of expansions IMHO.

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The limbo of 5 million paying customers?

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It’s almost like Classic has moved from when WoW was percieved to be at it’s peak and began it’s decline.

Split across how many different game modes and down from what peak?