WoW is Aliving

People playing = dead?

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This response can be made so long as there are 2 people playing World of Warcraft. Not incredibly substantive.


If I had to bet, Iā€™d bet that WoWā€™s player pop is healthier than itā€™s been in quite some time. But, thatā€™s overall numbers, which are world wide, and those numbers are probably being spread over 3 versions of WoWā€¦ so, is the game functionally healthier? I donā€™t know, but the sub numbers are probably very good right now.


In general not specific to anyone in n the thread this is kind of my reply to all the other threads arguing wows sub numbers or what version is the cause of its success and even those questioning the extent of that success ( no way wow had x subs now itā€™s not even y subs now ā€” that kind of thing)ā€¦

So if so many people really care about sub numbers or think the game is also in a negative direction- why do those people stay around?

I know the two excuses for that areā€¦

Well my sub is ending and then Iā€™m out.


I care about the game so I stick around to see if it improves.

Ok sure- I guess. lol

Makes no sense why one would keep playing the game or interacting on the forums if they disdain it so muchā€” just because your sub is still running? So with that logic you value ā€œI paid for thisā€ more than enjoying what you do in your free time? Crazy logic to me.

As for the I stick around to see if it improvesā€” funny way to show that if you just incessantly tell people itā€™s dying and calling out how you hate it.

Anyway thatā€™s my two cents.


Well the dragons have been around for a while and dragon flying is awesome.

You know what doesnā€™t make sense? The people who relentlessly defend the game on the forums 24/7.


I think that makes more sense.

Someone who is enjoying the game defending what they enjoy, vs someone who hates on it nonstop but still pays the sub every month.

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I love the WoW IP and certain aspects of the game, one can still like something and still voice criticism. There is this pervasive idea on these forums that people that post criticisms hate the game.

I find the opposite is true in many cases, their passion for the game brings them to the forums to voice their concerns. Blizzard should be happy these people are taking the time to post, most unhappy players just leave and never say a dang word.

The people that shill non-stop and attack people for posting even the most minor criticisms are the ones that got the problem.

Their relentless gatekeeping on these forums just makes the entire experience more toxic. Let people voice their opinions, instead of trying to rebut every single negative comment.

There are quite a few posters that have made it their life goal to refute and rebut every single negative comment about the game. I canā€™t see how this is a healthy way to interact with a game.

Most of the games I enjoy, I never bother to post anything their forums. I suspect most gamers are like this.

Every game has players like this, that need to find validation to continue playing, apparently playing the role of company shill helps them find peace in their decision to keep playing.


I agree with pretty much everything you said. I like you :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Biggest cope Iā€™ve seen in a long time.

This game is the same thing itā€™s been for years. You hit max level and the endgame is spamming M+ and the occasional raid. WoW has had a heavy Diablo-like influence on it ever since they moved hundreds of D3 to the WoW department.


Is that why you got on your lvl 55 DK to post? Because its the worst youve you seen in a long time?

I feel like Iā€™m the only one noticing this. They turned the game into Diablo 3. I think they are finally getting the message. DF sold really poorly, I think people are just burnt out on how sweaty the end game is.

Iā€™m playing the new ESO expansion, and the new zone is packed with really good quality questing, Blizzard should borrow a few pages from these guys.

They added scribing which allows you to craft your own skills.

WoW is way too focused on competitive modes to really spread it wings and start to deliver a better MMO experience.

The developers just need to stop worrying about high end M+ players that what every single class balanced around this one system.

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Lmao this got me.

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I know right.