WoW is a video game, not your source of self worth

And this is a forum, you shouldn’t tie your self worth on how many “likes”’ you get on it either. But here you are.

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Well, now I want to see his Twitter. :thinking:

I can spoil it for you if you wish to save your eyes.

Ofc he’s active on Twitter.

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My eyes must see the glory on their own.

I wish you luck. I don’t remember where he linked it, and I don’t really want to post it because that means I have to look at it again.

Guess that means I have to go hunting!

It may sound bad but I love those people that rage over silly things… it’s hilarious. Makes raiding like 2X as fun. Maybe I really am a descendant of Trolls.

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i don’t think one can get any self-worth from this game that hates everyone and slaps you in the face everyweek.

getting your self worth from a game that’s stingy af is not a good idea.

just chill and enjoy the few enjoyable things.

I’ve found the super casual player who wants to be on a raid team and doesn’t care that they are holding back the rest of the team to be the most toxic.

Well said i always treat it as a game and never self worth ftw feels good man!

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op, you do have some valid points but might want to be considerate toward a less toxic approach.

You’re correct in that people that do place importance on video game achievements are unhealthy and desperately missing something in life, but not being considerate that they’re missing something in life and could likely use any self-esteem boost they can get.

You pointed out that this was a sad truth, but aren’t acting sympathetic toward that and are instead being condemning.

Personally, I just let people like that be. I don’t know them, what their real life is like, and am not in any position to help them find alternate fulfillment. Their video game ego doesn’t affect my video game enjoyment very often so it isn’t really a big deal.

If you’re in a guild with players like that just find a new one, there’s lots of guilds of all types out there!

yes, I really do wish the ignore button worked account wide for threads like these.

I will have 2 characters. One for m+ one for raid. And for aoe heavy raid bosses I’ll use my m+
Character during prog.

I will be good at w/e content I want to be good at. You can’t stop me.

You’re not getting rid of this with covenants.

It’s like saying we need to get rid of flying to improve world PvP. There are many better ways to do either.

What I’ve talked about previously is the reality of what instanced content creates. That because the number of participants is fixed the desire for exclusivity grows and players just start bringing the best in slot participants they can find. So now the developer has to create more difficult content for an exceedingly smaller number of participants.

This essentially creates the toxicity you’re talking about.

The way you actually fix this is to get the content out of instances and put it into the world. In a way where it doesn’t have to be mythic difficult but something where numbers can make a difference. So bringing more is the answer. Participation should be important but not to a degree where you’re only looking for the best in that slot. You want a kind of environment where inviting the people asking for a group is always the right answer.

That isn’t to say no instanced content going forward. Instances can still be useful for e-sports and racing. Insofar as the RPG elements (leveling and gearing) go I’d have it all in the open world. An open world dungeon and an instanced version of it for example that exists just for people racing on timers.

Ion and the devs dont ignore toxic and bad behavior either, cuz they know you need to root out bad ways of playing asap instead of living them to fester and take control of the community, and that is what has happened and lead to this incredibly toxic community.

Time to go to work and fix this, Ion said the game is for the broader audience, not high end min maxers to Preach’s face, get used to it.

That is definitely right, they definitely pushed for muh esports gogogomentality for a while but it seemed they realized the game is an RPG, it will never be as competitive as high skillcap games like overwatch etc so the devs are now focusing on making a good RPG, not at the gogogo crowd, Ion told that to praech to his face

Good luck with that, I ve already said I wont mind as much if they relax the requirements in 9.3.

But I am sure people will forget that, just like some people tried to pretend I called specs garbage while in reality I was referring to corruptions and that was quite obvious if they looked at the title of the thread, good luck trying to link me my old posts and find something wrong, i still hold most of the same beliefs :3

You mean when I said Ion would have a heart attack if he came to swtor and show the accessibility? That is still true, imagine if your raid gear and m+ gear was account bound and there was also a gear vendor you can buy stuff on your main to send to alts, that’s the dream uwu

Sadly the lack of dps meters makes swtor pve not as interesting or fun else I would have stayed in swtor

If you are a decent player you can make all specs work and be good enough for m15-20s or mythic raids, if you are bad i would understand why you would need the most optimal or optimum to ever even “compete”

Decent people know we dont need meta to succeed.

New look, same Ralph taste.

I don’t think Blizzard is even really trying to get rid of this with covenants. The OP just hates a very specific group of people because they don’t play the game the way he wants them to, so he makes almost daily threads to do little more than just hate on them and their dislike of not being able to freely swap covenants.

I also wouldn’t say it’s instanced content or limited groups that necessarily create exclusivity, but rather content being difficult.

Nobody really cares all that much when it comes to instanced content like low level dungeons, heroics, or timewalking dungeons because they’re all quite easy.

It’s when there starts being a not insignificant chance of failure that people start caring about the quality of players they invite.

I don’t know why he gets so many replies to change his mind.

Why does anyone care to? His opinion has no value. By trying to argue with him to change his mind, you’re implying he’s worth getting acceptance from.

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Here’s a question.

Why can’t a choice be both FUN and GOOD?

Blizzard has a hard time balancing their own system and would rather remove the more fun option and replace it with a more bland one.

Look at Blooddrinker Vs Rune Strike for instance.