WoW is a video game, not your source of self worth

Or maybe they find that fun. I do. What else is there? A homogenized experience? I’m not doing a +19 because I want to experience the boss for the 400th time this expac its because I want a challenge. And before you post trash talking people maybe don’t have a typo in your title “Wow is a video game, not your self of self worth”. Think you meant sense there buddy.


Sup Ralph!!

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M8 they are timegating the ignore function until you get trust level 2, i have to remake my ignore list if i decide to change mains, forums could definitely do with some quality of life changes.

I wanna be a cute fat lazer chicken uwu

Why would a dev who understands the problems of toxicity and wannabe elites care about those groups of unhealthy people, if anything ignoring them or making the game unwelcome to their way of playing is the best way to make a better game.

Difference is when someone’s ego depends on a non high skill based game, by grinding and changing to be optimal at everything they get delusions of skill and grand delusions are usually pretty unhealthy to you and the people around you.

Like i said, many decent people know we are skilled and competent and dont need an achievement to tell us that, but for them, they are desperate for the game and others to recognize them as good because they are unhealthy psychologically speaking.

And Ralph is back at it proccing Grand Delusions. :clown_face:


i wish you would stop making threads. as a very casual player that doesn’t play for “Self worth,” i think you post these threads for the sake of your own self worth and should stop worrying so much about what other people do.

there are better players than me that will play better specs and better builds all the time. who cares? it sounds liek you are too insecure to be able to look away from what others do better than you

im just gonna log in and have fun the way i want to and not worry about someone else’s choices.


“Oh man the wow playerbase is ruthless, I wonder what I can do to solve this issue”

Option 1: Make the game better
Option 2: “You know what guys, don’t take wow too seriously”


For a lot of this internet-addicted generation, your status online IS your self worth (at least, they seem to think so). People readily base their self esteem on how well perceived they are online.

It’s a bad thing, but it happens, and nothing is likely to change it.


your ego depends on spamming these threads


Elitism is an attitude that the elite deserve more and others are less deserving and are getting more than they should.

Someone can be an elitist without being elite, and without even playing the game.

“Wannabe elite”? Sure. Lots of people would want to be elites. “Wannabe elitist” sounds like “wannabe bigot” in the sense that it’s nothing anyone aspires to be nor even recognizes in themselves, even if others are often calling them “jerks”.


Hopped over to my silenced account, it’s fixed :slight_smile:

I will always welcome attempts that help try fix or remove that behavior just like i would support any movement for social justice that is going against toxic masculinity for example.

Yeah they are both natural behaviors, doesnt mean we cant or shouldnt try to eradicate them.

M8 i know I am good at what I am doing

That is more about the definition, my issue with the term elitism is that it implies those who are elitists are actually elite, while in reality they are pretty sub par and definitely nowhere near elite, yet act as if they are.

Those people who are nowhere near world first yet obsess with getting kills asap, playing the most op specs, benching anyone not playing meta, or demanding people be geared as if they are doing a 29 while they are on a 15 like someone said in an earlier thread that some wannabe elitists kicked tanks for not vers stacking when vers stacking is pretty weak compared to TD at low key levels like 15s.

You’re like the transformer movies of s***posting around here.

It’s okay in a pinch and it’ll get a lot of attention, but it’s not where you go when you want quality material.


Hope you’re talking about the Michael Bay versions and not the classic animated stuff.

Yeah. the Michael Bay ones =P

Some people have fun by challenging themselves and trying to excel at a task. There’s nothing wrong with that, especially if they’re sure to find like-minded players to group with. A slow progressing environment isn’t for everyone, and that’s just fine. If a person is capable of clearing content quickly, and does not have fun repeatedly wiping on content that they personally have on grind, then I don’t see why anyone should shame them about grouping with people who are in the same boat.


Oh God it’s multiplying :scream_cat::scream_cat::scream_cat:

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We spent so much time fighting each other this expansion. But maybe the real enemy was the Ralphs we met along the way.


Looks like Ralph has a Highmountain half brother. Moo to yoo sir!

Technically a fat lazer chicken, wish forum avatars shown the form of our spec.
Tauren are cute and uwu and all but not as relatable as a cute fat lazer chicken uwu

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Maybe one day Blizz will just delete him from existence. A gnome can dream.