WoW is a cesspool of online bullying

deathgrip and ganking npcs before the robo guards catch up since they don’t scale you can pretty much rampage the entire section

because they are the only ones capable of throwing you out of town

sounds like you are having problems socializing. what type of content are you having these problems? if you are getting negative feedback, you may have to recognize that you aren’t putting yourself in the right grouping, or environment.


i also used to have fun kiting the warchiefs herald npc out of the horde section of Dalaran and monkey stomping them until they finally made them a true neutral npc and no longer attackable

more harmless fun nerfed by Blizzard :neutral_face:

Been this way for a long time now my friend. Sad reality is it’s hard to police everyone all the time, the offenders know this and push the limits of the system.

I sometimes get triggered, I wish I didn’t but mostly I just deal with it and try and be the bigger person.

As a tank coming up I caught hell in pugs, the things that were said were so nasty it left me slack jawed sometimes and that was Alliance side.

Keep your spirits up and see the trolling for what it is, if you can :slight_smile:


it was fun cos id used my warriors shout to pull threat as I jumped down into the horde part of Dalaran which of course they auto ported you out but the shout would still be in effect and hed chase me to my port site and keep fighting good times

This is the best thing to do. If you are doing poorly, accept that and try to do better.

If they are just pulling your chain, giving them a reaction just feeds them.

A lot of people that do this are very insecure themselves. It makes them feel better to dump on someone else.


I’m pretty “under-performing” myself, and I’ve actually never been told this (except in PvP, which I’ve only participated in when forced, and even then, I was castigated less than half the time–and I probably deserved it most of the time).

Again, I’ve only seen this in PvP. I personally consider that “trash talk”, which to me, is “trash talking”. I don’t consider the opinion of “trash” as something I need pay any attention.

Now, I’m not saying players never insult other players or that they never say rude or disgusting things in general. It’s just not been something I’ve personally seen or experienced enough to say all of WoW is a “sess pool”. (I think you meant cesspool–and it’s not that, either.) I’ve only been playing for 11 years now though, so maybe I don’t have enough experience yet.


Yea, you can’t control how people act, but you can control how you react to it.


^A million times this. :+1:


Donny Kawano ascends from his basement.

Do your best, ask questions, be confident in your own ability to be an asset to the community! Punishment does not end bullying, and Blizzard stepping up (Square Enix style) to intervene would result in so much backlash.

The community is made up of those within it–you are one of them! Be a counter to the toxicity. Empathize and share a more positive outlook!

Donny Kawano backflips into his basement to resume his training. With enough practice, he will be an unstoppable force. He will defeat evil without help from a greater force. He will avenge his daughter, Sandra Kawano.


This is a bizarre yet enlightening post.

Thank you, I think.

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Correction: the internet is an online cesspool of bullying.


Just laugh, report, ignore and be glad you are not as miserable as them. Not much more you can do about it. There are far more nice people than toxic in Wow.


If you’re relying on blizzard to create a safe space on the Internet for you - you’re doomed :o


theres two ways to deal with negative people in life

the nice way

“be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi

or be an even bigger jerk

“say goodbye to the Prius” Rat from pearls before swine while holding a rocket launcher


What I would do is leave and just continue on. A group like that will not get anywhere so it’s better off if you just avoid it at all cost.


Good. Not all people belong in group content. I’m one of the ones who doesn’t.

I needed to be told so. People have a very strong bias toward themselves and it’s shameful just how long someone can write off the other people as idiots before they realise… yeah… every time… I was the problem.

It’s a hard realisation. It was for me. But it needed to happen.

Yeah this is legit and needs to stop though.

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Beat me to it.

so there’s never a reason be awful to other players, but if you’re an under-performing player to the point that people are telling you about it, maybe you should work on improving.

it’s an MMO, where our gameplay affects others in group content, they have a reasonable expectation that their teammates aren’t potatoes.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That happens more often than you might think :slight_smile: Started a m+ with my fishing pole equipped once.


Logical consequence to having automated grouping systems as opposed to having to actually talk to people in-game. You become more of a number than a person, and it’s a lot easier to be cruel to something barely human.