I doubt a lot when people cry racism. Was doing a wintergrasp the other day and someoen expressed their frustration at why we were losing because of all the people speaking spanish, and then immediately 2-3 people piped up in instance chat saying to mass report him for racism…it’s not racist? white people speak spanish too…and it’s completely normal, when being put in group content to WANT to be put with other people and communicate in the same language…god some people lmao. Also constructive crit is fine but don’t be a toxic Dbag about it. I’ve pulled up plenty of people for not performing where they should for their ilvl and tried to help them
WoW has always been like this.
If you’re underperforming you should be told so–but in a helpful way so that you can improve yourself.
If I call someone our for low dps, I do so privately and only after I’ve determined the cause. I then proceed to help them improve when they’re willing to accept the help.
Telling someone to get good (in more colourful ways) and then kicking them isn’t cool though.
As for the rest… it’s the internet. You’re going to run into these types on occasion. It is against the rules and they do get punished for it when enough people report them.
I suggest finding a large guild or community with people of similar skills and interests as you. Develop some guild friends to do dungeons and raids with and never pug again.
Some people do. Especially if the boss is really nasty.
Players should police themselves. If you see someone saying something rude in chat, call them out on it. I’ve done it in WoW as I do irl.
Reporting does work though.
I find when I’m too salty to ignore that it is often fun to talk to trolls like they are a small show dog and your a rich old lady.
Who’s a good boy? yes you are!
Most players don’t know the first thing about identifying if other players are playing poorly or not. So I wouldn’t really worry about it. Most of the stuff people get crap for isn’t poor play related, but simply bias and frustration for things going badly.
Well carrying people for free isnt enjoyable.
Blizzards lack of enforcement and the worthless “punishment volcano” is way to forgiving.
Toxicity in gaming… People are acting like it’s such a big deal now that we probably have so many OW players in the WoW community. The reason toxicity isn’t tolerated in OW is purely because one moment of toxicity can decide an entire match of the game, which is all the game is. In WoW you can always just leave without any real consequence and do something else. You can ignore a player in any form of content and it won’t even be a noticeable detriment. It’s not right to be toxic, but in WoW it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t decide anything like it does in other more competitive games.
I know it feels wholesome the way the OW team takes a stand against toxicity, but the primary reason for that is because it ruins games so easily, especially in a game like OW that is so team oriented. Here you’re kinda expected to moderate your own experience.
It would be nice if people were a little more polite and offered constructive criticism instead of raging. That’s unlikely to happen, since people generally have no filter when dealing with strangers on the internet.
Put yourself in the other players shoes for a moment though. Imagine how frustrating it is for someone who did all the research it takes to optimize their dps, and learn the mechanics of every instance in the game to play with someone who hasn’t bothered to do any of that.
People also do this thing where they use language to portray themselves as an informed and apt player, when in reality they are just baiting a carry and suck really bad. I hate those kinds of players because they’re literally manipulating you into carrying them.
The other thing people do that would make me say something out of anger is when they are hypocritical. Like, nobody is making mistakes and the run is going well, then someone does and gets lashed out on by someone for it even though it’s just a small thing. Then karma kicks in and the mean player makes a big mistake. I am always going to say something harsh when that happens. The best is when everyone in the group collectively bashes them(edit: the mean player, most don’t care about small mistakes in my experience) for it.
This is fine. All is well when that happens.
to OP, most games now at days are all the same. Toxic players who will let you know, i’m not innocent either, I certainly have had my moments of flamming others in OW too. There are some games however, that do seem to have better communites, the ESO community is one of the best if you want to check them out.
The difficulty I have is how polarized things are politically, religiously and so on these days. Having a difference of opinion on a controversial subject in my view does not make you a ‘bully’. That’s a largely social issue though that goes well beyond wow.
If you are referring to simply insulting people for being bad at the game, well I think that’s also a deeper symptom of what’s happening in our western society, we seem to be caught between a culture that thinks participation awards are great, and a culture that deeply values meritocracy, the truth is, I don’t think we’ve even figured out as a species how to get the balance right.
See for me, I might take a position that all humans should be of equal value, and nobody should think less of themselves simply because they don’t share the same skills and abilities that other people have, to a large degree only what’s in someone’s heart should really matter and people that try their best, even if they don’t quite succeed, well I think people should be supported for simply trying, rather than not having a go at all, as when you don’t have a go, that’s when you are guaranteed failure.
On the other hand though, if you looking for a hardcore raid team, well that’s no different to a situation in real life, where if you get sick, you want the best doctor or dentist possible for the cheapest possible price, and I think that’s a perfectly valid position to have, so it’s an interesting dynamic and we still haven’t figured out how to get the balance right here.
I do take the position though that telling people ‘hey you suck!’ and swearing at them at how bad they are, well that nearly turned me off the game when I started playing, but keep in mind I started playing in Cata, where the dungeons weren’t bad or anything, but I think it’s without doubt that they were most certainly designed more for guild groups, not PUG groups, and since that time Blizzard has done a decent job in making it so that the content where you are joining random groups is quite doable, but the premade groups remain much more of a challenge where people would do well to only go with friends they trust when possible.
I don’t feel that anyone is missing out on seeing all the content in the game at least, I admit though if I kill N’zoth on normal mode before the LFR comes out for it, I will be quite happy about that, so will just see how everything goes.
Maybe what Blizzard should do with premade group finder is say use this at your own risk lol as there’s no guarantee of success with it, I think though the biggest problem is the timers, and making it an e-sports kind of game, that creates a difficult situation as all it takes is one person to ninja-log to stuff up your run, I think at the very least they could add a pause timer?! That would be good.
You can solve that by turning off trade chat or putting it into a separate channel.
I faced the most online bullying when I would play the role of the tank in LFG dungeons. I could be prefect throughout the whole dungeon, but if I messed up just once I would get harassed and bullied by an elitist player that would use very negative language without providing me any feedback. These characters were mostly grouped up with their friends so they couldn’t be kicked from the group for harassment. I see now why so many players stick to dps, as tanking requires the spotlight to be on you at all times for criticism. I did however also encounter very kind players that helped me and informed me on certain mechanics, these players made the dungeon very enjoyable. In short, people can learn the most from kindness and helpfulness, rather than bullying. Don’t be the player the bullies the new tanks, healers, or dps. Try to help them out (and show kindness).
How did you even find this 5 month old thread may I ask? Have always been curious why old threads like this get bumped.
I personally think it is a good idea to make friends in this game and you play with them when you are learning and you save everyone a whole lot of frustration.
Regardless, everyone starts somewhere. LFG exists, solo players can queue. I don’t think anyone would agree that online bullying or harassment helps a player learn. Furthermore, when I was new to dps, I never felt the need to group up with friends. Most players did not comment on my low dps. I learned how to optimize dps with time, and through observance of my peers. Tanks and healers should not be placed on a pedestal to know everything from the first go while they are new and learning.
fIvE mOnThS lAtEr.