Really not that weird. Bullies in WoW tend to be elitists that prefer the company of their own kind, to compete with each other who has the biggest stick etc. A lot of ‘nice guys’ tend to be more susceptible to negative social interactions and withdraw from rigid social constructs. Thats not to say that there aren’t good social guilds out there but they can be hard to find.
I think that is the issue with most of wow’s perceived problems. WoW is a game that is trying to cater to to many communities and the only ones that seem to regulatory form naturally are those pushing the harder content of the game.
I know my own experiences are subjective but ive never seen the negative drama filled messes that guilds can become in guilds that are raiding mythic unless they are on the verge of collapse.
I think a lot people take being told they are not yet good enough to run certain activities far more personally then it is meant to be taken. When they try to “sneak” into content they are not ready for and cost others resources it isn’t surprising they are met with scorn.
i think you´re watching way too much asmon, but to be honest yeah altought this is all true…people just dont go around telling how everyone sucks or something, they mostly keep to themselves and just kick without even thinking
In Legion when i was playing my rogue there used to be a goblin rogue that kept whispering me and telling me how stupid i am and how bad i am and all kinds of abuse for absolutely no reason. This went on for weeks. I didnt even know who the guy was, whenever i tried to ask what i had done or why he was angry at me he would just keep shouting abuses.
I used to chill at gurubashi arena and he showed up there with a group of friends all whispering abuses at me and said they would mass report me to get me banned. I still have no idea what i did and it was extremely confusing.
I wasnt bothered by it, it was quite funny actually but i was confused as hell.
Oh no, someone was mean to me on a video game, we’d better censor them all.
Grow a thicker skin, or turn your computer off.
We cherish freedom of speech but hate speech that calls for violence against people due to race, creed or religion are not protected under the first amendment. Leetspeak in a game is going to happen. That’s not what I’m talking about.
you you think wow is bad dont play any real esport games…lol.
If you’re an underperforming player, you should be taking steps to improve.
But if the people criticizing you have no useful feedback, then dirt off your shoulder.
And for God’s sake, what are you doing in Trade Chat anyway?
If your goal is to do high end content
You should be taking steps to improve, anyway - if no other reason than the sake of improvement. Every day, you should try to be a little bit better than you were the last time.
Back in Cata, I had a player tell me I sucked when I tried to run a raid. I told him I was bad at raiding and that I wasn’t very good at my class (unholy DK).
So this absolute Chad calls me I’m an idiot and invites me to a group after the raid and tells me to meet him at Ebon Hold.
He proceeds to literally train me in the most Kung-Fu movie montage way possible, teaching me how Unholy works better than any Icy Veins guide ever could. Don’t get me wrong, be literally bullied me into becoming better, but I appreciate what he did.
By the end, he called me a “work in progress” but I had “really good potential”. We parted ways, and I’ve mained Unholy DK to this day. Through every patch, no matter what nerfs or buffs unholy dks got, I’ve received messages about how cool it was that I was played Unholy DK, and that people didn’t know how I was doing it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a pro-raider and I’m not a PVP master. I’m a casual among casuals but regardless this guy gave me the best lessons I could ever receive about playing the class.
They were harsh, mean, toxic lessons, but it made me grow.
Sometimes, yeah, there are toxic a-holes who need to be banned.
But sometimes the best thing a newbie can get is to receive a good yelling from a pro.
This actually made my day.
I knew a guy like that on my very first server. Diamond in the rough.
Many of the so called pros aren’t that good themselves. Just recently there was a Holy Paladin on my server trashing another player in chat by saying they were horrible at PvP because they kept dying in the rbg.
He(HP) streams on twitch and posted the vod in chat and the HP was click targeting and clicking his spells and didn’t have any macros. No wonder his teammates were dying.
Moral of the story: Who cares what someone else says? The only value in it is what you give it. A lot of the ones doing the big talking aren’t even good themselves.
I wouldn’t call it bullying but yeah people are quick to get really mean over something minuscule or an issue that could be easily resolved.
WoW is full of cesspool anything, everything.
I guess a lot of people had their lunch money taken.
It has changed a lot, you can now park them in player owned Upwell structure called a keepstar and it’s big, really big!
So now everybody just trains into Titans, Moms, Dreads and Carriers then parks them for defense
If you remember Goonswarm (and who doesn’t) they went up against Pandemic Legion not too long ago and fielded 300+ Titans and countless other ships, it was very fun to watch PL + NC. run and hide then lose all their space and structures LOL
Eve has turned into Capital Ships Online! lol
If anything, WoW is a cesspool of underperforming players, and a small minority are nasty about it.
Getting yelled at once or twice doesn’t mean bullies are “everywhere”, people who are frightened and insecure say things like this.
If you live in a town of 5000 people, and 2 of them were jerks to you, it will seem like there are “a lot of bullies” when realistically your experience alone is not indicative of the entire population.
TL DR people who are crying are sometimes lying.
Wow so your negative stereotyping still stands good to know you carry on the cycle of stupidity, but then again I am not shocked. You have so many prejudices against so many different people I find it amazing you are even able to leave your home.
I will still stand by what I said, kind of like the other day when you demonized those of latin decent based on a few incidents in your life. Elae you are more than part of the problem, you are a ring leader of putting people down to attempt to make yourself look better, the reality is most see through that moronic mindset.