WoW is a cesspool of online bullying

Atleast it’s not to your face in the real world.

When someone is acting like a self righteous turd it’s fairly easy to ignore them and avoid future contact online.

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I found League of Legends to be a tad worse.

Also, I don’t think many of the comments are that bad. Most of the “bullies” I see are just players who have different opinions about how the game “should” be played. Of course, that’ll happen. That happens in everything that’s competitive.

Just try to ignore it best you can and use the ignore function.

There isn’t infinite ignore and it is by character. I’m just glad that enough people on my server aren’t a bunch of troglodytes and that they do finally community silence hate speech.

WoW has created two completely different populations of players.

Those who gear via WQ, M0, LFR and those pushing high M+, PvP, and heroic+ raids.

The conflict happens when those two groups try to interact.


I agree with what the OP said but also agree that part of the reason for it is due to the E-Sport nature of the game.

exactly. consider the source.

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Pretty much this.

If your ignore list is full within only a couple of days, that tells me you’re the type that shouldn’t be online. Report, ignore, and walk away (do something else) should be practiced.

As a newbie, take constructive criticism, learn to do better by asking people or google/Youtube it. Ignore those that purposely knock you down.

I’ve met far more kind, pleasant and understanding people in game than the one’s you’re describing.


Anyone who says they haven’t gone into a battle, at least once, with a fishing pole has never used a fishing pole. :laughing:


Post on your main if you’re serious. Otherwise, you’re silly.

Does a 12lb catfish count?

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By knowing your post history I don’t get why you are commenting here on this. In past posts you have stated that women ultimately ruin guilds because men side with them, you have stated that you booted people from your “empire” for wanting to do mythics, I could go on. What do either of those poor behavior examples have to do with E-sports?

There are some jerks out there, I get it, but I still see the good outweigh the bad in terms of common decency. There are various forms of abuse, to me someone saying “git good” is far less toxic than being told no to playing because I am a woman.


Double correction: the entire world, offline or online, is a cesspool of bullying.

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“WoW” has nothing to do with it. Do not conflate the state of society, with activity you observe in a game, then deduce a false causality.

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First of all, welcome to the internet.
Second of all, dont get offended at every little thing people say.
Thirdly, people are aholes. Thats never going to change.
Fourthly, freedom of speech is a thing we cherish here in America.


If you are having these experiences all of the time… it may be time to look for the common denominator closer to home.


I just stop reading chat!

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If you think wow chat is bad I hope you didn’t play call of duty around 2010 era.


Turning WoW into a padded safe space (even more than it already is) won’t solve the problem. You just need to solve how you react to it and not feed it by being triggered. It’s like in real life–you’re not going to silence or get rid of all the mean, annoying and selfish people (barring some unacceptable human tragedy), so you need to change your outlook. Other people are able to play in this sandbox without getting overly triggered or hurt by the rotten apple types and still have fun. It’s within your ability to do that too. And you should, because it’s worth it and a lot of fun if you do.

All the game devs should regulate is technical issues, extreme cases (threats, and stuff that are WAY outside extreme social boundaries) and cheating. That’s it.


This is mostly true.
You do have your random troll every now and then, but WoW had the title of most toxic game for years, then LoL had it, now WoW has it again.

Good advice right here.

Remember this is a game, and everyone in it is an NPC.

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It’s sad when this happens. But sometimes you can give completely unbiased feedback to underperforming players and then they come to the forums and cry.

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