WOW in Unreal Engine 5

This Blizzard! This!


Looks like a generic AAA game.

It’s missing the warcraft magic.


No. WoW graphics are timeless.

Unreal engine 5 will be dated in 3 years.


It’d increase immersion for sure but the playerbase would tank. Wow is semi-successful now days because it’s very accessible. Having a high demand on graphics will turn a lot of people off.

Me on the other hand, I’m all for this. I’ve yet to play an actual game from unreal engine 5 and I’m pretty excited to try anything at this point.

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It would look a lot better, but less people would be able to play the game due to system requirements. I’m pretty sure that’s one of WoW’s selling points, actually.

You can have WoW style graphics in UE5 and it will be timeless, but highly functional… Art direction is a choice. UE5 just gives you a ton more room for stuffing content in massive open worlds (They just upped open world map sizes to double precision, so you’re talking cubic solar system level sized maps).

CORRECTION: UE5 LWC will support a world with an area of up to ~32quintillion km^2. To put that into perspective, that’s around 520 million times the surface area of Jupiter. That’s with a digit precision down to 1/16th of a centimeter, to avoid glitchy issues with physics and animations.


Is it just me or does it look like its scaffolding?

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No, it definitely looks like scaffolding.

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This looks awful. The lighting is so harsh. Too realistic looking. Even if just rough sketch no thank you. Just looks like another lost souls genre knock off.

I’d far rather they went a darker cartoon Diablo style kind of way.


Feels weird to see orgrimmars front gate when it’s unfinished…and that the soil is salt blasted and white rather than orange.

But it looks pretty good for a small demo and they should be proud of their work on this. I wish blizzard was still pumping out games like they used to, for so long it’s been just Hearthstone, WoW and Overwatch.

Like use these IPs for something else, get Warcraft 4 out there so we can get some new units, factions and maps, Iron Horde and Fel Horde would be killer in an RTS.

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This will look dated in 3 to 5 years MAX and the style of World of Warcraft post-Warlords looks everlasting so please stop with these realism style when cartoon will last longer.


Also, going for realism will limit a lot of users due to intense and expensive hardware requirements.


If you want WoW to continue to run on a MAC, you don’t want this.

Same applies here.
Zero artistic direction, looks like trash and i feel sorry for whoever thinks any of these UE4/UE5 “remakes” look good.

Also, i just laughed so hard at OP unironically almost saying “blizzard hire this man”.


Looks like every other title out there that I don’t play.

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It looks like a bazaar, rather than a heavily fortified city. I don’t suppose that’s the point of the thread but …just sayin.

Its nice graphic, but what wow makes special is its unique design and art concept. Take that away and its not WoW anymore


they could probably do it.

but theyd lose a lot of ppl with subpar gaming machines :wink:

they probably want the game to run “smooth” on as many machines as possible.

Meanwhile i’m just imagining the bugs that come along from all that size. :grimacing:

Aren’t unreal engine open world games have bugs or problems with them? :thinking:

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I have a game I have playing that looks like real life. I still have not finished it and I had about a year now. These things are good for fighting or shooting style games for me.