WOW in Unreal Engine 5

It’s guaranteed to flop big if replacing the Original, however I see vast potential of it succeeding and perhaps competing with Warframe as a WoW Spin-off.

I’ve noticed this was made by one person working along side with Artificial Intelligence, I am quite curious of what I could do with the UE5.

(Edited): Out of curiosity, I just started downloading UE5 out of curiosity, I never anticipate the file size being just as large as WoW’s.

Yea, I don’t get why people assume that UE automatically makes a game photoreal and grimdark, especially since Fortnite is Epic’s flagship UE game, and literally the first live game to use UE5.


I think we’re ok with the graphics we have now. Although it’s cartoony, it still is beautiful and amazing graphics to look at and fits WoW perfectly. We dont need over the top graphics to be good.

Now if they made a single player RPG, then we should get unreal engine 5 as the graphics.

You know, if my soul was not bound to yours, I would not see the events in your head currently being streamed to me in full HD detail, you pervert…

I wouldn’t mind cinematics maybe looking like this but the graphics themselves outside of Suramar I don’t think I’d like in UE5

No, Blizzard! No!

It completely changes the art style.

If I wanted to play a game with that art style I would be playing The Elder Scrolls.

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Now if only the people making replicas of Elwynn Forest would make the Unreal Engine Trees as bulky as the Trees in WoW’s Elwynn Forest… Why do they want thin Trees!?

We’ve already seen that they are capable of shoving Fire Elementals from WoW into their creations! What’s stopping them from getting the right kind of Tree!?

Surely they can find the right trees for this!

Same for Teldrassil, Ashenvale and other such areas.

UE5 is some amazing technology and in the right hands, it could enable a truly beautiful Warcraft game.

That said, this isn’t it. No disrespect to the creator, I’m sure it was a lot of work, but the art style is all wrong. It’s indistinguishable modern psuedorealism. Look at how dull, drab, and washed out everything looks… that’s not Warcraft. Not even the much more detailed CG cinematics look like this.

You need that signature cartoonish-with-grit Warcraft look. Note that this doesn’t mean overly simplistic or lacking in detail… details are good, but those can exist in art styles other than psuedorealism.

No thanks. Someone posts this every time Unreal real does an update. Keep WoW’s cartoony timelessness.

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Not sure but I guess we’ll find out considering Witcher 4 is being developed using UE5.

Yeah, no. Like once a week somebody posts these and it’s just…no. It’s not WoW. It’s fun to look at but would be a nightmare to actually play, and it’s just…too real. Too like every other real world looking game out there. No thanks.

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You would loose too much of player base. Most people can’t afford top of the line PC’s let alone $1500 plus for a graphics card


That’s the reason for switching to double precision. Using single precision, the max world size is 20x20km. Once you get outside of that box, you have to use something known as origin rebasing or else you’ll run into problems with digits of precision for animations and physics. Also, there’s a lot of issues with partitioning up worlds and handling all the massive amounts of asset streaming.

Only if the devs don’t use the kit right. UE5 changed how the engine handles open worlds though, so it will help a HUGE amount. I haven’t worked with it much yet, but from what I’ve seen, it will help with stability a lot.

Exactly. If they had leveraged the engine to look like actual WoW, it would have looked amazing too. You can literally throw hundreds of millions of polygons at nanite and it eats them for breakfast. So instead of having super detailed meshes, like in this clip, you could just throw all kinds of stylized art in there.

But that being said, you can easily muddy up a stylized look by making it look too “busy” on the screen. It can destroy primary/secondary shapes with too much detail and world clutter. You have to strike a balance.

Lots of games have used UE4 and UE5 is objectively better at doing everything UE4 did, but better. Naming some UE4 games off the top of my head: Borderlands 3, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Gears 5, Fortnite, Minecraft Dungeons, Mortal Shell, Outriders, Rogue Company, Sea of Thieves, Valorant, etc.

If you tackle scalability, which UE does very well, this is a non-issue. You can scale it up or down as far as you need. The bulk of my work in UE is done on a PC with a 1650 because I don’t want to spend two grand on a 3080 lol… The only thing that you can’t do with older or lower end cards is the ray tracing, but UE5 has been moving toward depreciating all that anyways. You don’t need RT cores to use lumen or nanite, but you can add in some more quality if you do have them.

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I’m no game artist but I think the approach I’d take is to model many of the details that are typically painted on textures in WoW (think larger cracks in wood grain on a beam for a house, for example), rather than adding details not present in the current version of the art, which would allow it to take better advantage of things like advanced lighting while keeping the right look and feel.

Ooooooooooo… :astonished: atfer the handling of Cyperpunk 2077? Yea, slim chance for that company. :grimacing:

Also, little to no Witcher 4 mods. :disappointed:

No one cares about Mac users you make up 10% at best of the (computer based) video game market, you are supported as a token gesture nothing more

No, they are dated.

I’ve seen this before. IMO this rendition of Orgrimmar looks ugly and almost totally unlike the Orgrimmar we know. I think some of the videos made in UE4 looked a whole lot better and far more in keeping with the art style of the game.

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its NOT going to happen. switching engines would require completely rebuilding wow at this point. they are NOT going to do that.

Yeah, sadly they won’t because this old ship is still making money for them. A lot of it.

They’ll bleed this game out one bad expansion at a time.