WoW in-game pride event similar to other games?

Why can you still post?


You have revealed your face again. Awesome

This specific person follows me around in every thread and typically makes short essays. I must have missed his response while at the gym. Speaking of, I need to get my workout in. Itā€™ll be good material to laugh to while doing my daily cardio.

Although i wouldnt mind they would get back lash because then they would have to make ones for other things as well.

Thats why events like the running of the gnomes are made by the community instead

Thatā€™s not as insane as youā€™re everyday making the same posts over and over and over and over with slightly changed words.
We have all suggested on several occasions this would go alot better and maybe more in the direction you are looking for in the mega thread.

If these things in game were of such concern for you then do posting for it other times of year, through out the year, not just in June.


You say this after I wrote explicitly about how your troll threads are causing actual harm to actual LGBT+ people. This shows that you donā€™t care if you drive one of the other trans posters on the forums to end their lives with your malicious and intentional whipping people up into a frenzy over and over and over again.

This shows the quality of your character. If you were a decent human being you would have stopped. But you refuse.

You say you will continue your trolling, well Iā€™ll continue collecting links to your and your alts LGBT+ spam threads and send the forum staff an email explaining exactly why the threads and your nonsense are problematic and harmful to actual LGBT+ people. I also plan to push for a raising the minimum level to post on general.

Hello low post low level classic alt of the OP. Imagine being so devoid of empathy that you come your conclusion instead of being concerned the player I mentioned in the post.

Imagine calling someone who is concerned for the life of someone else insane. It goes to show the quality of your character and your total lack of empathy. No amount of

will help you grow the empathy required to become a decent human being.

As an aside, Iā€™m pretty sure what you said is inappropriate.


Concern trolls are the worst kind of troll. Absolute bottom of the barrel.

Some people should truly feel ashamed of themselves, but they donā€™t. They need to get over themselves too, but they wonā€™t. They will continue to embarrass themselves for all the world to see.

Donā€™t put people into boxes.

Keep your labels to yourself.

Stop stereotyping people.

Avoid prejudice.

Live and let live.


Iā€™m not sure why. Blizz hasnā€™t made any new holidays in ages nor updated them in quite some time.

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This ā€œprideā€ is not a holiday. But it would be nice to see updated holidays.

When Blizz creates such things, they call them holidays. Talk Like a Pirate Day isnā€™t actually a holiday, but it is one on the calendar in WoW.

There are also Micro Holidays, which arenā€™t actual holidays either.

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agreed 10ch

Yikes. You are taking an extreme view on my feedback. Take a step back and relax.

Sorry you feel this way.

Okay. I wish you the best!

Itā€™s fine if you disagree with someone, but to accuse others of things is not a good way to have a decent conversation.

You should get on that right away!

Please list these 9000+ relationships you know about.

Well thatā€™s just false.

Then keep going. And explain how thatā€™s homophobic.

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The developers canā€™t even provide updated content for the events they currently have in the game. :woman_shrugging: I think you might want to create your own event, which is something that is very doable. The Breast Cancer Gnome Run started out very small, but grew every year to eventually be put within the game. Although I preferred it when it wasnā€™t part of the actual game but a player inspired event.

idk about everyone else but im kinda burnt out on the subject with all the posts related to that popping up.

i get that most of them are trolling but itā€™s hitting the fatigue point by now anyways.

too much of a good thing can be bad :wink:

i like cake - but if you force feed me 20 cakes iā€™ll be sick of it for a long time.


I feel like laws, especially in places like Australia, are catching up with the internet. Anti-troll Legislation has heavy support here, so we will see.

I feel like the trolls will mature at some point though even if they arenā€™t rooted out via legislation, I was angsty too when I was younger, eventually you just get tired :rofl:

Edit: Source -,on%20their%20social%20media%20page.

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I would love to see better laws in the US about this type of stuff. Itā€™s just not worth getting upset over imo. I see the same people in every thread ive seen this week about it. Obviously baited, easily.

From an outsider looking in it is not a troll post, itā€™s fine. They just make multiple threads every day to troll people and it works. :woman_shrugging:

But you are not denying itā€¦


I think I am understanding. They use the topic to hurt others? Are they homophobic on other characters?

This is all you need to know. They really are up to no good.

But you canā€™t tell the people who take the bait every time to stop, they get upset lol.