Wow.. I didn't know 'Ignore' was part of Forum privileges

Hai Uni :heart: Am glad you made the right choice and joined the superior race

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You helped me greatly with making this choice. <3

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I don’t think this automatically precludes deeper conversation. A forum is whatever we as players want it to be. That’s generally an absolute cesspool of screaming and toxicity, but it could be a place to discuss concepts and ideas. Videogames can handle deeper topics, why not their forums?


I used to think that post counts were just shallow tokens of momentary popularity
 But now that I have 800, I realize they are the only true measure of a persons worth as a human being.

A famous man once said that line, but it wasn’t about post counts.


It’s true.

What’s that mean though? I always wondered cause my alts have my TL3 and I have that same group info on alts.

I think it’s how the forum controls recognized people who could post in the beta test area.

The Shadowlands beta? I did that so would make sense.

That’s what I’m thinking. I got an invite and suddenly all of my alts got trust level 3.

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Omg when did they change this?
Trust lvl is account wide

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It is, but it isn’t. :frowning:

Only if you got a beta invite for Shadowlands.


But also! This new toon is fabulous.

Thank you. I’m already 34 but forums are slow. :stuck_out_tongue:

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They are. It once took the forums months to catch up with my new mog.

Not to be a butt and you can do whatever you what, but i am just curious on why, when you do know this isn’t a problem with you and more on those who refuse to read the comments? :confused: Some people even just outright admit to not reading lengthy comments (because nothing says “i’m right, you’re wrong” like pure laziness), this happens to me too and i yet to change how i usually debate with people on the forums.

I mean you do you after all, just figure i throw my two cents on the matter.

Like I said, it serves as my filtration system. If a person is intimidated by a bit of reading, especially when it’s the person you’re responding to and they get dismissive it kind of shows a lack of intelligence. Or a lack of intellectual integrity on their behalf because they’re not willing to actually supply a counterpoint, nor put forth the effort to put one forward. You notice this most with people who don’t reason themselves into their opinions or views and instead just go with emotion or appeal to authority. Namely politics, if a person holds their views through reason they’ll debate the points. If their views stem more from emotion or indoctrination they can’t defend these points and instead become very hostile in response when challenged, or outright dismissive so they can feign intellectual supremacy. I.E just calling you a fascist because they can’t win but want it to appear more as you’re just too dumb or bigoted to understand rather than their idea just is moronic.

I look at it like this. An intelligent person, or something who is going to give a thought provoking discussion which is what I am after even if they disagree with me is going to do that kind of legwork and know that I will indeed return that favor to them. This is also why when I reply to long bits of text I tend to snip sections of a sentence and respond to them individually. It shows them I’m giving them the effort of being thorough.

I guess the simplest way I can put it, who are you more likely to take seriously? The guy who plays a game a lot and voices criticisms, or the person who criticizes the game but admits they couldn’t even be bothered to install it and play for 10 minutes?

This is more of a symptom by the reduced intelligence and attention span of our population I think. You get the same thing when you post a very detailed guide on something and some lazy person has to ask for a TLDR. I get that it’s one thing to not grasp something or not want to do it yourself so you look up a guide, that’s fine, it’s why they exist. However if one can’t do the basic work to read the guide that’s taking the legwork out of learning a system, odds are they’re a complete moron and need their hand held through everything they’ll ever do in life. People like that I tend to deem not worth my time. Especially when it comes to discussions where points need to be made, addressed, refuted etc. If they can’t apply the basic legwork to asserting their opinion and defending it it raises a few necessary questions.

Namely, how strong is their conviction in an idea they won’t actually try to put up a valid defense for? Similarly, what kind of thought provoking discussion or elaborate explanation of thought can possibly be given by an idiot who can only say “No ur wrong” then “didnt read lmao” to any response that consists of more than 160 characters? Like I won’t take the opinions regarding game design seriously if the people who tend to be of one side of thinking all tend to embody questionable traits like laziness, unwillingness, or just being generally dimwitted people.

Of course an idiot is going to say something like “expecting players in a game to want to get good at a game they’re playing to overcome challenges is toxic, this is a game, not a job.” But if they can’t be bothered to articulate a good reason why that is the case, or to at the very least prove why people who think the opposite are incorrect, does their opinion really matter?

At a point, being concise is much better yes, but you can’t precisely be concise to the level some people will want when you’re discussing more thought demanding elements. Like the philosophies behind game design, utilizing abstract thought and established precedents toward a system to gauge whether it will be good or bad. These aren’t really things that can be conveyed in a paragraph to any meaningful degree. If the other speaker does not understand that basic fact then I’m more inclined to tell them to not try to get their toast from the toaster with a fork than engage them further.


It’s just TL2 to do that though. Which isn’t too bad. But forum rep is dumb.

bah ignore is a fake ignore anyways. you still see the ignored person’s name and the post is one arrow expansion away :wink:

it’s not that great of a feature lol