WoW honestly isn't fun anymore

I’m sure there’s been tons of these posts, and this one will probably repeat many of the same sentiments. Regardless, I came to vent to you guys because I know you too can relate to many of the issues below.

To begin, the game is tedious. No longer can you simply log in and play with friends. No longer can you hop on an alt and enjoy fun content without weeks of grinding and preparation. To enjoy end-game content, you’re forced to spend hours upon hours pursuing improvements that are always seemingly held out of reach by the systems implemented by Blizzard’s design team:

  • Covenants require renown 80 for full perks and benefits. Renown 80 must be individually farmed on each toon, as the catchup only provides level 40. As specs/legendaries change for encounters/comps/content, one must also level those additional covenants to be competitive.

  • Conduits must be farmed, with RNG loot tables affecting character performance, and high ilvl conduits are intentionally tied to content gating.

  • Legendary affects are typically limited to one role/spec, and additional legendary items must be crafted to play others. Often multiple legendaries are needed for one spec. This is enough of an issue on its own with the amount of farming required, but factor in the absurd gold cost of obtaining legendaries and suddenly this becomes an issue tied to Blizzard’s P2W WoW token model.

  • Obtaining gear is tedious enough with the personal loot system, small loot tables, and RNG nature of the vault. Factor the necessity to grind thousands of honor or valor points for individual item upgrades, and you’re suddenly spending weeks trying to upgrade your gear to a level of relevance.

  • Want to optimize and min-max your toon? Additional improvements like sockets, and the above mentioned conduits, are tied to a weeks-long rep grind with boring repetitive questing in zones designed to be tedious and unrewarding.

  • The infamous double legendary system… As Blizzard is known for recanting, it was no surprise that this mandatory character power improvement would be tied to a rep grind. (A grind that they claim isn’t necessary on alts, but is gated behind an even longer grind if you want to also gear those alts)

Some of you may argue that the additional bonuses tied to grinds are not mandatory. You may suggest that they are simply “extras” to obtain if you like. However, in any form of competitive content within the game players are expected to obtain the best improvements available to them. Nobody’s going to want to play with the guy who chose not to farm the rep, and is lacking X power improvement.

If I were someone who mained one character, the topics above likely wouldn’t be such an issue. Being a person who enjoys playing every class, I’m left behind on all but one character.

Since 9.2, I’ve spent over 1.5 mil gold on legendaries, and haven’t even covered a quarter of my toons. None of my alts are up to date on current quest lines, conduit ilvl upgrades, item-level in general, etc. Even attempting to grind on my alts sounds so miserable that I can’t even force myself to do it.

I don’t want to branch into the topic of P2W and intentional time gating, as that is heavily covered elsewhere. This is simply me complaining about the state of the game, and making the typical statement of “this sucks. fix it Blizz.” But I do so because I am passionate about this game. I have played for years, and have had countless hours of fun in the past. Some of my best memories are from fun times I’ve had playing WoW. It’s just all too depressing to see it become what it has.

I’ve already unsubscribed, and resub with gold when I feel the desire to play. I just can’t see myself purchasing another expansion based on lies, only to be slapped in the face with more tedious grinds, borrowed power, and content gating.

Here’s to hoping whatever the next expansion is will be a reflection of past successes, rather than creative future failures. Nobody likes systems, Blizzard. Seriously.


its more of a chore grindy game now.


if you say so

i boosted an alt to 60 last season on a sunday and was healing keys the next day


All of the above things are NOT required if you just want to play the game. If you want BiS and optimum characters they take TIME and commitment in order to both achieve and keep. Just because you stay up to date with 1 toon does not mean you should be able to take a short cut on other toons.


Jokes on Blizz. I’m doing pet battle dungeons and Argent Taurnement stuff.


While I don’t agree with some points you made, it’s your opinion so I’ll respect that. Thing is they gone down a weird path of just template, through the motions design a’la Legion probably because of;
a. sunk cost
b. Ion is just now understanding analytics can’t tell you if someone enjoys something… when you literally put something as a reward that characters NEED, you’ll have participation either way. You then have a harder time quantifying ‘fun’.


Thanks disagree with you on many things, but I agree that loot is too hard to find and that playing alts is awful. The game is set up for having one character, unless you’re willing to quit your job and/or not sleep :joy:


Yup, it’s never been easier to play alts. At this point it feels like people are just inventing obstacles for themselves.


I should have been more explanatory in my original post. Fun is entirely subjective. The person above you also mentioned how they logged on a fresh boost and did keys. I could log on any of my toons and do keys/arenas/raid. But I personally do not have fun being par/sub-par due to character power. I enjoy doing high-end content, and it is required that you optimize your character to do said content. It’s all personal, and if you enjoy just spamming low keys or yoloing some ques with your friends that’s understandable. I personally enjoy performing well while doing those things.


Majority of what you have listed is not an absolute requirement for anything unless you’re pushing every mythic plus and raids.

There is plenty in this game to have fun if you allow yourself to have fun.I play plenty of alts and still have fun,

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Ya I’ve tried to find a main and in Legion it would of been easier but once they messed with all the specs and made 'em rely heavily on borrowed powers… I always felt I’d enjoy it moer if I had one solid character to enjoy, focus on,e tc…

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How have you ever enjoyed WoW then? Having fully BiS and perfectly optimized alts has never been an easy thing to get.


i ran m+ on 5 characters last season and still found time for family, career, hobbies, etc.

unless you for some reason think it’s impossible to play a character unless you have 80 renown on all 4 covenants, max ilvl gear, maxed out conduits, and full sockets… this is nonsense

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My thoughts exactly.


Once again, you are using a broad example to justify your opinion. I can run mythic + on any of my characters, and I have every class… But can I appropriately equip one of my alts to say +20 or higher within a reasonable amount of time? Absolutely not, unless I dedicate all of my time to that alt.


so your primary complaint is that you can’t just click a button to get full bis on alts?


There are some factors to consider; guild, or pug, what role, and do you have the patience to potentially sit in queue if pugging and your luck on groups.

I do agree having alts to equal your main is unreasonable… a lot of higher end players have voiced their complaints on the growing list of things they need to go raid, m+ etc…

Three (3) world quests a day.


I’m not the the MMORPG genre is for you then. It’s about character progression and the journey here.

Don’t forget you can even use Poke poke to do one of them for you lol.