Wow has put no effort into getting new customers

So a will smith slap along with a +crit message?

You crit for 1000 damage.

Sadly, Chris Rock is a skull and barely flinched

its a bit of a stretch to say that a dev saying: 120 levels is intimidating to a new player can in any way translate to “millions of players will play this game because of a level squish”

Will Smith at Oscars = Alliance
Mike Tyson on commercial Jet Blue flying coach = Horde

I think they have put plenty of effort into new customer.

I do not think they have put enough effort into retention.

OG Horde maybe, but the elf and furry faction is more Will Smith

That reach would make Inspector Gadget blush.

It wouldn’t be advisable to walk around my neighborhood displaying an iPad openly for all to see. I could get jumped for it.

But if I lived in Mr Rodgers’ Neighborhood, you bet I would… :man_cartwheeling:

More Blood Elves and Vulpera than the rest of Horde races.

If Orcs and Tauren were the main number of Horde players I would agree with ya but Blood Elves look more like Will in his Tux than any Dwarf ever will

No effort in getting new customers ? :laughing:
A lot of what they’ve been doing the last few expansions were things to get new customers… what is this player base on lol

this, the current team is monetizing the IP

problem is when they push monetization too far - like overwatch relying entirely on loot boxes PLUS full price, or hearthstone releasing more xpacs per year with power creep to increase revenue, or WoW being weighed down with a ton of systems focused entirely on cash shop gold metrics

this is more of an industry wide problem, tbh - it does result in a serious reduction in the value of our games as they are slowly twisted into mobile f2p style mechanics and metrics to get everyone into their cash shops

Oh hey, I don’t have to ask you for bait pictures anymore. And I just noticed we’re on the same realm. How funny is that?

Hey Mirasol, this is the older doppelganger I was telling you about. The one I replied to.