Wow has put no effort into getting new customers

And now they can no longer hide the numbers. For those that say Microsoft will just continue to leave them alone are delusional.

There is no way they can just let them continue the status quo.


Who do you think will be interested in playing the WoW based mobile games? Current players or a largely new audience?

Why do you think Blizzard is following the trend to produce mobile games in addition to PC and console games?



models for infinite growth are bad for the game.

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Op, I’m going to be truthful,the greatest advisement is the players in this game ,you are a walking,talking ,action figure billboard for this Carry on.


And everyone was saying the level squish (because new players would be to be scared of big numbers) would bring back, and get millions of new players :rofl: Level squish was a mistake :nerd_face:


The status is not quo :stuck_out_tongue:

Microsoft knows what it’s doing in regards to it’s investors…mobile games based on the Blizzards IP are going to make them much more money than a aging MMO.

The PC and console games are going to be what is in Bethesda’s portfolio. People will buy any PC/console game with the name Skyrim or Elder Scrolls that has been proven.

Warcraft will be the IP you play on your phone while riding the bus home.


This comes way too late. This would have helped 10 years ago but it’s already DOA.

Everybody knows what WoW is. Everybody who has interest in playing WoW is already playing WoW.

Whom, exactly, would they be attempting to “get”?


Technically blizzard owns candy crush and that game makes bank for them. :dog:

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For the most part this, I largely didn’t find WoW until BC was a mere week or two from launch and that’s when i started playing.

That being said I don’t Imagine too many people don’t know about WoW Now so while there would be some that don’t, I think a better sink of funds would be for things their current audience likes.

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Or to get back lapsed players.

I still can’t wrap my head around how that game makes money still. I tried it out and was bored by like level 100.

ATVI is the corporation on top which is the one doing all the stock trading, etc.

ATVI owns King which makes Candy Crush. ATVI also is over Blizzard Entertainment and Activision Publishing.

Blizzard does not own anything besides their own intellectual property.


Sorry OP, but I don’t think you know where you were going with your post.

The reality of the matter is that if the game is not profitable, then they’re just going to cut costs until it becomes profitable again. There isn’t going to be some profound moment of reckoning for Blizzard, or anything like that. The expansions will just slowly shrink until they stop altogether and WoW eventually goes F2P.

My mom is lvl over lvl 1000+ in candy crush, little does she know that she is playing a game in the same company as I play (WoW)

I’m pretty sure that ATVI is just their tickertape designation on the stock market. Activision Blizzard is still the name of the corporation.

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all you have to do is look at shadowlands sales their is your answer along with the store and token not like they ain’t making money why do they need more people?

Yes :slight_smile:

BUT the point is that Blizzard does not own King games. The stockholding company is called Activision-Blizzard but neither Activision Publishing nor Blizzard Entertainment are part of that. They are sub to it.

Activision-Blizzard owns

  • Activision Publishing
    – 11 Studios
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • King (mobile games)
  • Major League Gaming