Wow Has Lost It's Eden. Gone is the Dungeon Crawl

Woah woah bro stop glazing lol

WoW has lost it is Eden?


Lol, Now the OP is being criticized for saying something nice about another poster. Omg. That goes against the majority of the crowd in here who only like to insult each other. OP the rule is never say anything nice about any one. Just be a mean jerk and fit in. Lol.

Uhhhh im not criticizing anyone lol just pointing out that hes doing some hardcore glazing

Yeah, I’m shocked too! Some one actually said something nice. Lol.

Yes it plays the game for you by “alerting” you how to play it.

The sad part is that you guys don’t even realize how much this changes the game.

You are substituting the human thinking for “UI thinking”.

Who needs a human player to know their rotation timing when you can have the UI tell you the timing.

Who needs a human player to know when to move when you can have a UI tell you when to move.

Who needs a human player to know what path to take and what mobs to pull when the UI can tell you where and which?



What you’re remembering is mostly in your imagination and rose tinted glasses.

Everything is old once the first time is done. Plus that a long with readily available information even before something releases makes it nearly impossible to have anything like that ever. Even in vanilla. Information about every dungeon was open from websites like thottbot.

I disagree, DF dungeons are terrible, as far as the themes and art style.

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SoD BRD was a traditional dungeon crawl to reach the bar. Skittles taste the rainbow was absolutely a thing, banishing the Fireguard Destroyers if there were two of them, using sheep on the healers, stunning their abilities. Slow methodical pulling. It is fun as a one-and-done to help a homie with their rune but I do think it would be a serious drag if every run was like this. People definitely prefer the Mara 10 man style “just pull and AE everything”, you can simply look at engagement, so there is a “you think you do but you don’t” element at play.

Blizzard could make dungeons into dungeon crawls, they wouldn’t even have to be long. It would require a complete redesign of specs though. Classes are just too OP right now in order to function in M+.

That was the main reason why the labyrinth style dungeons fell away.

Fantastic for the first time, but only the first time. Then they became slogs to get through unless you specifically loved that sort of thing.

That’s before getting into the cost benefit of the whole thing. Do you design a bunch of dungeons with the expectation that they will be run only once?

I feel WoW would benefit from more actual dungeons though, but maybe not instanced. Open world dungeons where you can have as many or as little as possible to go down. Something like that.

But I think the instanced, 5 man labyrinths are just not viable anymore.

The vast majority of WeakAuras just make icons bigger and easier to see, or track procs that blizzard hasn’t already provided an animation for.

The “examples” you listed are separate add-ons, not WAs.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Yes. I know this. This is what I’m referring to when I say that it is playing the game for you. Turn it off and figure out how to do those timing without a machine doing it for you.

Yes, that’s why I said “Addons” in my original reply. There are many. Addons that offload the game from the human mind to the computer. That knowledge that you have unloaded to the machine is so that you, the player, don’t have to do the work. It’s playing the game for you.

Again, all anyone needs to do to dismiss these criticisms is uninstall all of these addons you are using to “play” the game, run the “hard content”, and post a video of how “easy” it is for you to do so.

So what does the base Blizzard UI do when it tracks procs for you? Is that “playing the game for you” too? Hilarious claim.

Actually, all I have to do to dismiss these criticisms is say “no, you’re wrong”. It’s your claim. You’re the one who needs to back it up.



Depends on the client i suppose. In sod the fact that most classes can sololevel 50 dungeons at level 50 is just dumb.

That’s not how it works.

If WA weren’t giving you an advantage over not using it, you wouldn’t be using it at all.

This is just common sense.

Yes, it is. You’re wrong. :sunglasses::point_right::point_right:

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i sort of miss it and dont at the same time.

I do remember 3-4 hour blackrock dungeon runs. or equally lengthy full dire maul clears.

I remember a lot of CC needed in blackfathoms deep and getting nuked by those stealthed pats.

But all of that was during an exploratory time in the game. I had the books for each expansion (physical books) to try to learn how to play the game. But in the classic reboot, it was clear that the game has been “solved” at that level. and we aren’t just discovering it now. that time is gone.

When dawn of the infinites came out last season, it sort of felt the way you are talking about. it was new. we were all learning it at the same time. I don’t think there was much in the PTR prior to launch. it was hard.

in s3, we know the mobs, we know the bosses, mechanics still matter but most people know them at this point.

maybe what we need is a new version of an actual dungeon crawler where the layout is randomized, the mobs are randomized too. etc. I am not talking about a torghast reboot where you pick up talents along the way. you have your talents and group comp and you go.

either that or have an LFG option where you have no idea which dungeon you will get and the difficulty will scale to the highest ilevel in the group. maybe if it is true lfg, it should be average ilevel. with an M+ option scaling with the highest ilevel.

the idea is that the whole WOW dungeon pool is available and you have no idea which one you will get.

No. You use these Addons to play the game for you. :man_shrugging:

Whatever helps you sleep at night with that 1.5k, sparky. :pinched_fingers: