Wow Has Lost It's Eden. Gone is the Dungeon Crawl

Prove me wrong then. Remove the addons and post a video so everyone can see just how much the addons don’t play the game for you.


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You havent proven yourself correct.

I never said they werent useful. I prefer my UI set up a certain way.

I can easily prove you wrong by playing with them. And showing they do not play the game for me.

Show me, specifically, which weakauras play the game for you.

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No. Because:

I just go and do this. At least what’s high for me.

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I know exactly how WeakAuras work. There are more then enough videos out there to prove that they do.

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And I know how they work also.

And I have seen enough videos out there to prove they dont play the game for me.

So I guess we are at a stand still. You making wild claims, and me knowing how things work.

All I am doing is sitting here asking you which add on or weakaura is playing the game for me

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I ran a guild for years, I think I understand better than most.
When LFR and LFD were introduced, it broke the back of guilds and server community.
I am not saying such guilds no longer exist, I am just saying they are no longer required and with that the WoW gaming base mindset changed.
If things were the same, they would never have bothered with Classic, but classic proved there was a large enough base who wanted to go back to something that doesnt exist in retail anymore and the level it once did and that is server community.

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If your goal is to avoid challenging content, you are right.

Being in a guild is not as useful.

Just spent all evening hanging with my guild in dungeons. Which I guess was supposed to be impossible or really hard to do or something.

I hate the current state of dungeon scaling, at least as it pertains to leveling dungeons. There is nothing fun about auto running behind one low level person aoeing everything while watching Netflix on another monitor. Or having a stealth class run ahead of the group and kill the final boss, locking the group out of the xp for completing the dungeon bc they are still at the first boss. Overall it’s a :poop: experience.

I’d love to find an addon that plays the game for me so I don’t have to do anything; WeakAuras just alerts me better than the base user interface because Blizzard can’t make a good user interface to save the company.

you are going off the deep end here.
I am glad you have a great guild, but if you think the community operates under same premise that it did before randoms well then what can I tell you. Either you weren’t there, or you have had one great stroke of fortune over the past decade plus.
One of the best compliments my former guildmates relate back to me a long time since I had to leave the game was that they never were able to find another like ours. Their second family they called it. That is a source of pride way more than our raiding success,
There is zero server community, you can solo the same contents as any top raiding guild, the only difference is gear score and to most that matters little.

I never said it did.

As long as you are avoiding challenging content. Sure.

Like I said from the beginning. If you are content in avoiding challenging content the need for a guild is greatly lessened. You are pretending like you are disagreeing with me, then you immediately turn around and agree with me.

All I ever stated, is that guilds still exist. “Family” hang out guilds still exist. Guilds still have benefits.

But if one avoids doing the things where those benefits matter, then yes. One is less likely to find guilds being useful.

If you dont want to socialize with others and you do not want to do challenging content, you are absolutely correct. One does not need to be in a guild.

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I found this article interesting:

Particular comments by Ghostcrawler:

“We don’t want you to stumble your way to victory. We don’t want you to be able to overwhelm bosses without noticing or caring what they’re doing. We don’t want healers to be able to make up for all of the mistakes on the part of the other players,” explained Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street, lead systems designer…

Street said how Blizzard “didn’t like” the Heroic dungeons of Lich King and early Naxxramas, for they had become “zerg-fests”. Equipment was replaced and forgotten too quickly; character capability was downplayed; and boss mechanics “ignored” - “The fights all felt the same”.

“In Cataclysm,” Street declared, “the Heroic dungeons and raids are intended to be challenging - and they are, at least until you over-gear them.”

They were as challenging as current normal raiding AKA not at all to a relatively decent, thinking player.

OK, now I know why I failed at them. :thinking:

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Even more so with the dungeon changes coming with DF season 4, which will be in place for TWW season 1. Where a mythic 0 will equal a mythic +8-10 ish currently. Under the new system coming soon, mythic 0 will drop ilvl loot equal to beginning normal raid bosses (champion 1/8). That is a big leap from what they give now (Adventurer rank 4/8).

For the OP, BB King’s Song:

:musical_note:The thrill is gone
It’s gone away from me
The thrill is gone, baby
The thrill is gone away from me
Although, I’ll still live on
But so lonely I’ll be :notes:

Back off, Rita’s mine :skull::hocho:

Nothing sad about it.
Absolutely NO ONE is stopping people from going into new content raw and with little to no performance expectations from the group and oneself. For some though, trying that and seeing how little gets done quickly brings into loght why it’s just not feasible to try and do that for every single piece of content that drops.

Try this:

unless you got a pug that didnt properly use cc. in which case the mobs would wipe the floor with you since blizzard introduced the triage healing system in which they deliberately made it so healers heals used up a lot of mana forcing healers to pick and choose which targets they wanted to heal.
they were probably fine if you WERE IN A GUILD. if you weren’t. they were a nightmare.