Wow Has Lost It's Eden. Gone is the Dungeon Crawl

Ahh the golden years since BC released, now it’s just fast burns almost sapping the fun of surviving.

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MegaDungeons are the modern equivalent of the classic dungeon crawl. The problem with MegaDungeons is that modern players have been trained to expect either the pushover experience of Heroics or the speed run experience of Mythic+. And if they wipe they just assume it’s because they need better gear, go get that gear, and the proceed to over power the experience.

A lot player are claiming that the classic dungeons were a pushover because modern player know exactly what to do but I don’t really agree. My recent experience with classic was as I remembered it. Rather the thing that has changed is that modern player go into dungeons with all the highly optimized gear that mostly overpowered the dungeons similar to my description of MegaDungeons above.

Modern players also now have addons that pretty much play the game for players.

When you don’t min/max the game and use addons that practically play the game for you, classic or retail, the experience changes dramatically.

No. As you said, it still exists at a higher level. Why lament having a spectrum of skill levels and approaches to playing the game? Would you prefer if there was only one difficulty and approach?

Very much so. Speed running is dull and mind numbing.

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I was alluding to the big change of the leveling experience to the adventure aspect. Guess you could call it ambience of the RPG element of the game. That feeling of venturing forth into a hidden mysterious and dangerous place were you and your party of adventurers will be tested. Where there are unknown threats. And where the reason for taking such risks is the search for valuable treasures that the brave and cunning group of friends are willing to face together in order to discover what awaits them in a dungeon full of mysteries.

That type of feeling at least. I understand that in today’s Wow, that feeling may not even be understood by players. But back in the day, it was there. I will offer an example: Bliz instituted a change to the leveling system which had a major ramification in the way dungeons are run. Now for some bizarre reason, a level 10 character can run through a level 10 to 61 dungeon killing all the mobs and even the boss by themselves. With the rest of the group running behind the twink that’s not even the tank, uselessly. I can understand making dungeons easier but this is ridiculous.

I already know that someone will post: “I don’t care, I just want to get the dungeon run over with fast fast fast.” Then my question is what’s the point of even playing an RPG?
In my humble opinion it kills the enjoyment completely. And for what? If playing an RPG
is too time consuming for a person why even bother? Might as well stream a movie until you fall asleep. Honestly this all sounds to me as if the speed-runners are people that would sit down to a game of chess and then start yelling at the other player to hurry up making their move.

Well I thought Wow was an mmo(rpg) guess it’s really Call of Duty in disguise?

We’re not all as cool as you.

I agree with you, OP.


The only way you’d go back to this is by making every pack punishing as all hell and seeing as people are mystified by not overlapping interrupts I don’t think that would go over too well.

Dungeons aren’t the same without it.

Some of us have lives and don’t want to spend three hours in Deadmines. It was cute when I had no life. Now I need my playtime in accessible chunks.


They should bring it back to when dungeons were painfully slow to form a group, near impossible by the time Wrath came around to run something like Gnomer. Then once we get inside we get to have the fun of… place markers… press CC on markers… auto attack one mob at a time… repeat till- oh wait the mage fell asleep and didn’t refresh sheep, fun is happening!! Okay next pack… mark the targets…

I fully understand your opinion. And yes, for the adult players with responsibilities that consume almost every waking moment of their lives, Wow playtime becomes an issue.
But let’s look at what has happened to the leveling dungeons:

I’ve had level 10 monks in level 10 to 61 dungeons,
always mistwalkers, xp locked, just running
through dungeons without difficulty, killing all mobs
and bosses solo before anyone else can even try to do damage, the healer and dps running behind the Monk like a bunch of lost helpless children.

How is this even possible?

Just play EverQuest in a TLP?

I don’t think after M+ that the game can go back to this. Most importantly, WoW is mainly a hallway simulator, not caverns and DUNGEONS, etc. It’s a shame, but I haven’t enjoyed the dungeons in WOW since Skyrim came out.

Not hating on wow, and not hating the players who clearly enjoy WOW dungeons. I miss the old style, but we won’t get those back. Even the way they’re run in SoD/era/classic isn’t that way.

Find three other friends and do the five man heroics with them, I bet THAT would be super fun.

Thanks for the advice. I might look into it. But I came to Wow from Everquest in 2004.
I had played Everquest on pc, Everquest Online Adventures on the PS2. And Everquest 2 on pc.

After playing Wow I was hooked. Wow has been my gaming home for a long time.

Look I want this wow experience you are talking about, but this community does not. They want go go go, esport dungeons, my loot NOW. The era you and I would like, is dead.

Best not to engage with Akston, they only have one agenda on these forums, and any time you point it out, they try to play the victim. I’ve never encountered a more obnoxious person in all my years of gaming.


I got that feeling. You make a good point. Thanks.

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They haven’t made good fantasy dungeons since Vanilla and maybe 1 or 2 dungeons here and there in the expansions, the rest of them felt out of place as far as medieval fantasy game goes.

DF and SL dungeons were some of the worst dungeons they ever made as far as themes and aesthetics.

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If that veteran Marine squad is 5 feral cats on catnip, sure.


We ignoring that that Marine squad would spend as little time in an environment where they’re massively outnumbered as they needed to complete the objective?

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