Wow Has Lost It's Eden. Gone is the Dungeon Crawl

Nostalgia is a neat thing. I was trained to run dungeons like that when I first started playing with friends. But the game has changed now. You can’t revive that experience without making levelling dungeons so difficult that players would be forced to slow or endure repeated wipes. Blizz tried that at the start of Cata by making heroics very hard and everyone pushed them so hard they softened them. Its the way of the gaming world now.


I do not miss this in any capacity. I do not have time to be tactical in 2024. Maybe in 2004, I did but not in 2024. I just want to get it over with so I can move on to the next thing.

They literally cannot redesign the game enough to bring something like this back, classic is a good example of how its actually impossible, and what people miss is really just the memories and friends they had, not the way the game had played.


The only thing that is actually missing is 2004.

Can’t ever truly remake the original experience.


What exploration and power progression are you referring to which took place before m+?

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Cata dungeons were never hard. At the very start, you might have found some people who thought they were still facerolling wrath dungeons for a few minutes, but then they’d “sober up” and the run would go smoothly.

And, of course, there is always a subset of less skilled players that would even find a S3 M+5 hard, while decked in full ilvl 450+…


This is why I welcome and am excited about the upcoming dungeon changes. Now at least we have a bit more tactical Mythic dungeons that are an option without needing a timer. You can ignore M+ if you want and do those mostly to get some nice weekly loot.

Also, Heroic dungeons now give better loot as well getting a nice bump up in loot quality for those who want to chill and get something better than meh if that’s what you want to run.

WoW used to be a bit more chill and less crazy hyper competitive with the community. Players were always serious of course, but I think it goes without saying these days content is harder than it’s ever been in the games history.


No modern mmo is like that, not these days. Those days are long gone and they’ll never come back. Doesn’t matter if they make dungeons extremely hard(m+) it’s still a race and will always be. The mentality of players who play games these days has changed quite a lot. Why grind when you can straight up buy what you want? Why waste a lot of time when you can buy a carry?

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Mainly annoyed that EVERY DUNGEON has to be a speed run and that people don’t even play like they’re trying to have fun and enjoy the game anymore. Like with timewalking for example a dungeon run gets done quick and easy and everything’s fine but rather than fire up the group finder for another run the group breaks wasting everyone’s time except maybe the tank and healer who get groups immediately. For DPS however the second the tank and healer leave the group is a waste of time to remain in as you’re still going to have to wait like 6-7+ minutes to find a new group. People claim breaking group is faster but it’s really not, and I get stuff comes up and people gotta leave but nobody talks anymore they just bail the second they get their credit for finishing the dungeon. Unless you got a guild who’ll run with you or friends who will it’s annoying. Keep thinking maybe I should dust off my healer or whatever but that’s another can of worms I don’t wanna crack open


I am really amazed at what people think was tactical

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Aww that’s really nice, I didn’t even see this comment before but I appreciate it!


No, their simply (indirectly) asking for internet to not be as widely available as it is now.

A New game today would already have like 15 guides or such on launch day. Whether it be from early access or on launch.

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It makes more sense to me pull everything and kill because well if I can see everyone from afar how the mobs cannot see us.

That doesn’t make sense.

Have you tied Classic? Is that just as difficult as it was the 1st time around?

I will say that Classic has been a major haven for misinformation because of how classic clients work, people assume that Classic clients have genuine historical accuracy when it comes to difficulty when this is not the case as every iteration of classic is based on the last version of the expansion on release and the content is simply opened up on those clients when its time. Heroic dungeon TBCS slapped like hell, you needed some good CC in early versions of that client. Vanilla dungeons also generally hit a lot harder than anything you will find on a classic era client.

That said, I do not like this form of the game. I find nothing fun about having to take 5 minutes or more on each pull because the content itself just hits extremely hard. Mechanical difficulty where you get punished for actually making a mistake like failing a mechanic or not interrupting is way better than getting 2 shot because you didn’t bring every cc class in the game to your dungeon.


when guilds were the face of the game it was possible.
Back in the day, my guild used to love running Maraudon.
We would be in there for hours. Talking, laughing, taking breaks.
It was something to do. We weren’t just running it for contents but for companionship as well. But like I said it was a guild thing.
Those days are over. The community is no longer the face of the game.
Everything is a pug run by nature, and with that, time is of an essence.
Shame too, if you ask me, but it is what it is.


Rita you are awesome!:heart:


Thats cool and all but has nothing to do with what I said or what I was responding to.

TBC dungeon design was pretty linear, and similar to what we have today. You werent exploring some open concept dungeon like many of the original vanilla dungeons were.

You werent doing some tactical dungeon crawl run. No more than you do today. My point had nothing to do with damage out and mob health. It was about dungeon layout and design And that concept changed from vanilla to modern.

But there are a ton of guilds doing things.

Shame you dont want to join one then pretend like they dont exist.

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Honestly, I’m glad. Dungeons are horrible, especially when you’re doing it with other people. They took too long and required too much co-ordination.

Now, we can get in and get it done, spending minimal time with people we will never see again.

You know that one hall in Maraudon with those slimes that move real slow and need to be kited to death? Mad tactical.

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I miss those days because it added a thrill to the dungeon run. Especially with the occasional unintended overpull causing a pitched battle for survival.

I miss carefully pulling out trash groups from the path of a patrolling boss in order to deny the boss adds. And if the boss showed up to early you had to pull back and wait for the boss to turn back. Those days crowd control was essential, even when facing trash. Tanks would draw attention, NOT bleeding their targets since dots break CC and retreat with mobs in tow after CC took effect on some of them with the hope that those mobs could be taken out before their buddies come out of CC. If not, reapplying control on them was important.

Imagine if there was some kind of reward system for completing a dungeon with bad gear? A calculation of the average item level on the participants, and a check that no one had gear too much over that just to ensure that you will struggle a bit. Time would rarely be an issue, but completion would.

Maybe we could have some ability to choose long but challenging dungeon runs where the goal isn’t to complete withing 20 minutes but rather like 2-3 hours. And yes, wipes would be expected as well. Maybe a setting where all your gear is set to a standard for the dungeon. In this dungeon mode skill, not gear is relevant.