WoW gearing is socialism

No it really is falling off a truck. Ivus or the weekly darkshore reward make it super simple. How about the 4 Mythics…rush to the end boss in Freehold M0 4 times and tada here is your 400 ilvl gear.


well, we do all look alike…/snicker

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Hear is handed to you for afking in Warfronts. Seems pretty free to me. I can get mythic level loot by spending 30 minutes doing world quests for an emissary “reward” only paying half attention to what I’m doing while chatting with friends on discord or watching YouTube. That’s not time invested. Not anywhere near the same scale as someone who got an equal or worse piece by doing the highest end of content.

Mythic 4, that’s top end content not casual

Nah wow gearing is blizzard philosophy

Nobody here dictates it :rofl:

If Mythic 4 is top end content then what do we call Mythic 15? Is it God tier content?

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When I left the term for Wrath was “Welfare epics” and it was a form of socialism where everyone is placed on a equal ground and not one group is allowed to really get ahead. Now it has been taken to an extreme across the board.

Top players need to reforge a lot so why not tax them very hard and penalize them for this.

What we have now, for those of you who want to swing your epeen and show everyone else how great you are, are even better ranking systems. Instead of just looking at gear, we have M+ times right on our profile pages to show how good you are (or aren’t), along with Add-ons like Raider. io. We have raid progress tracking all over the place, so everyone can see exactly how well and how quickly you’re clearing. We have stats and ratings for PvP as well.

So instead of just scraping the bottom of the barrel and saying “look I did hard content, look at this awesome gear”. You have to do better and say “Look I did this hard content better than all those other guys”.

So in reality, this system is better for everyone. Casuals get gear easier to feel like they’re progressing and also have an easier time getting into harder content. While the hardcore have numerous ways to show exactly how elite they are with real numbers to back it up. Win-win I’d say.


I hate these darn socialist Feel the Bern WoW players. They think that what I earned they should have, tryna take my hard earned gear and gold and redistribute it amongst the LFR people. Well, I’m sure glad The 2A…I mean War Mode exists, you can take my gear and gold over my cold dead body!

zooms off in a long boy

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Ah, WoW is still a meritocracy. Personally I have no problems with that, and those elements could be ramped up.

You’re weird.


i get that this is a troll thread but it’s kind of amazing how many people think socialism means “free stuff”


lol, pretty much.

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You don’t. People who do M+10 or Mythic raiding average 400-405 ilevel. You’re nearly 20 ilevels behind. Besides like I said, numbers proving what content people have done, how well, and ranking them, matter far more than what gear you have on.


It does essentially. Followed by economic collapse, starvation, and societal destruction.


Yes, those are ways to get higher pieces of gear… once in awhile. You get the darkshore quest what, every three weeks? How often do we get the M+ weekly? It’s throwing casuals a bone every once in awhile. Those who raid and do M+ content will still more than likely have better gear simply because they are in the content where it drops more often.


It’s just the Zandalari and Kul Tiran politicians trying to trick all of us. This war is nothing but a farce, levied onto the people like a life tax, only to hide the atrocities that these crony capitalists have committed with our tax gold. Now, they want to deceive us and turn us against each other, blaming the other for the problems they created, and they watch as we slaughter the common folk in rivers of blood.

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Such a BS statement because that mythic+ players has exactly the same chances of getting a “forged” item as “Average Joe” does. I am not a fan of how drastically items can forge but people need to stop pretending that only causal players benefit from forged gear.


You are wrong! Thanks for the attempt though.


If you want to go back the source of forging they are the only ones benefitting. Hardcore raiders didn’t need forging. It was implemented for people who couldnt handle Throne of Thunder to be able to just out gear the mechanics. Hardcore Raiders could handle the mechanical without being handed unearned upgrades.

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The issue was never who needed it, it was who benefited from it. I bet if you reviewed Methods gear on their world first kill, 75% of their gear would be forged mythic raid gear.

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