WoW gearing is socialism

Is it a benefit when they didn’t need it? No. No it’s not. It probably shaved some seconds off their clear times but by the time it was implemented they probably already had the whole raid on farm.

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They don’t need it? I guess they spend all that time running split runs funneling forged gear to their mains because it is so much fun! You need to get a clue…


Lol friend don’t bother using logic, it doesn’t conform to her narrative. :rainbow:


Read my whole initial response to you instead of picking out a single sentence. I’m talking about when it was first implemented as thunderforging. The source of this abomination we have today.

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The solution is simple and the solution is not whining about who gets what. If all you value or primarily value in playing this game is what gear you get and some false sense of status or bragging rights, it’s no wonder you view it as work for openers even though it isn’t work.

The notion of itemization in this game being considered to be a form of socialism is pretty funny. Why do I get the feeling that somebody isn’t intimately familiar with working hard for 40+ hours per week not including another 5 to 20 hours or maybe even more fighting traffic on a daily commute just to get there and back? All of this fun just to be paid less than you ought to be in very many cases. Best of all, once you do get home, there’s more work waiting for you there and you don’t even get any gear or anything although having a clean home and stuff to eat is pretty nice. Unfortunately, nobody you know will be impressed by doing any of this as it is the bare minimum expected of a healthy adult. Welcome to reality not to be confused with WoW.

Why do I also get the feeling that somebody who’s only real job in life presently is learning has somehow decided that sound bytes from politicians about socialism is all they need to know to begin using the term without actually having much idea about what it really is and its history? If they did, I would hope the OP would have simply gotten right to the point with a title like this:

I raid and I am ENTITLED to MUCH better gear than filthy casuals and losers BECAUSE I WORK FOR IT!!! I AM SPECIAL!!!

Let’s be clear about something here. Nobody is working for anything in World of Warcraft. If you do feel like you are working you should play some other game where you feel like you are having fun and being entertained by the experience.

WoW is not a job. Gear is not a big deal. The only thing gear is good for is allowing you to survive in content you want to play in. Do you like to raid? Great. Have fun. Do you like running dungeons only? Fine. Enjoy. Do you simply like solo questing but want to have cool looking gear with decent stats too? Why not and why should anybody else care about that?

Think about it. Why do you worry about what somebody else gets or how they get it? Why do you resort to name calling when describing other people and play styles that don’t match your own? Why don’t you just worry about what is fun for you and do it? Stop worrying about who else gets what. You just make your own self unhappy in a place where you should be having a good time playing however you like to play which should never be confused with work.

If you do have trouble distinguishing the difference between playing WoW and doing work, I suggest logging off, going outside and finding some real work to do, work that makes you sweat, makes you physically exhausted, work you get paid for because you earned it by doing WORK - not to be confused with playing a video game.

This kind of complaining is nothing new certainly and it doesn’t reflect well on those doing the complaining. You want to know the real way to be looked up to by other players? Be nice to them, be considerate of them, don’t view the world of Azeroth as being a caste system with yourself at the top of the food chain just because you raid. You aren’t. Raiding is not a big deal. Raiding is not rocket science. Yes, it is more challenging. I know that. I’ve been there and spent years doing it in EverQuest and it certainly was challenging. It was epic. It was fun. That was why I did it. Gear didn’t fall like rain in that game, including to raiders. I could go a month or more without a single upgrade and I was fine with it. I was having a blast beating tough content with friends. Sure, upgrades are fun and you need them to progress but honestly, I wouldn’t care if some casual player could quest for the same stuff. I don’t think that makes a lot of sense in terms of content scaling but whatever. Somebody else being happy certainly doesn’t hurt me. Good for them.

Having the best gear in that game never made me special. Trying to be decent to people and becoming very good at my class did to some degree hopefully. Honestly though, while I admit to priding myself back then on being good at what I did it was not a big deal. Anybody could do that if they too spent the ridiculous amount of time I did at it. It wasn’t rocket science then either.


So one piece is better? Because usually the mythic 10+ will have a much higher average ilvl


When I login this evening, I shall mute the game sounds for awhile and have this on the 2nd screen, just for you;

PS - gear is nice but skill is better. My Alliance rogue snagged a 400 dagger to go with the 375. I have no doubt that there are Mythic players with lower ilevel weapons who are way better than I am.


Nice reach dude, ill give it 6/10 on the response you got to this troll.

This is a game, governmental systems comparisons don’t apply here, and are inflammatory as well as inappropriate.

However, if you have such a problem with the games direction, denying everyone the epeen purples that only you deserve, by all means sir, please use your Merican freedom of choice to unsub.

Good Day


I wish this was a troll thread but the current philosophy of the game revolves around bringing higher end players down to a lower level and bring up lower tier player to make them feel like they are equal.

Everyone is equal across the board with no identity. Socialism has stripped the identity out of everyone.

Your wish… has been granted!


I definitely agree with your post but please don’t say “WoW” used to do this. MMOs in general (heck all genres) were like this. You can thank today’s gamers for this change. If Blizzard and other companies didn’t adapt to the entitlement, whiny, give me the best stuff for doing little to no work and I want these extra things without putting the work to unlock something I want, then they would be out of business and WoW would have shut down long ago.

That’s why I love pathfinder because it actually gives me a sense of accomplishment. I remember downing bosses in Vanilla and BC (not just the end bosses) and after each new one we downed we would all cheer on voice and be excited and we all felt an accomplishment. Now with 4 level difficulties, I haven’t felt that since Wrath.

But I am with you. I miss wearing that tier gear to show the work I and my guildies put in to ear them.

If Blizzard embraced that then they would end up like Wildstar. Like I said, blame the gamers today not Blizzard for this.

Yeah, I guess you are right after all. The Blizzard developers are all socialists infecting this game with socialism and now everybody is equal.

The suckage is real. The pain is horrible.

The only cure is to cancel and get out now. Best of luck to you and maybe the land of the free can be found in Tamriel or someplace else.


Why would you say that?


If the gearing system was true Socialism wouldn’t high level epic loot and gold be taken from high ilvl players and given to low ilvl players?


High end players are taxed to death via the Reforge system. It is specifically designed to make high end players pay more then low end players.

It has infiltrated every part of the game.

I see no problem.
I enjoy receiving “phat lewtz” for $15/month. Idc what other people do with their own game/time.


The system in game is more akin to simple barter than anything else.

this is why raider .io exists auto decline anyone under 900 io, stupid WF/TF system should be capped at 5 ilvl or removed. whats even the point to gearing anymore? just wait 2 months then get geared afking turtle quests.

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Pretty much. When a world boss can give you a titan forged 415 ilvl gear, there is probably a bit of a problem

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Na devs are just lazy and making every loot aspec of the game gives ghem more time to play on their phones.