is trash

Every so often I go back over to my farming area in BfA content to see how my character is handling things…if anything has changed.
120 balance druid with 289 ilvl this time around.

Weeks and weeks ago I could at least fight two of some world trash off without red screening. Doing EXACTLY what i was before with the EXACT same gear i was wearing weeks ago I not only red screened but actually DIED to TWO trash beasts.

We can blame my supposedly low ilvl if we want, but as stated, I check from time to time with different characters and I always hit the same exact spots just to make sure the results are based on the same behavior.

Two little trash beasts that I was making easy work of at 111 in crap greens that as of today I actually ended up dying to at 120 / 289.

common core math will kill this game long before LFR ever will.


:woman_shrugging: Classic will be here soon


You’re like 100 ilvl lower than you should be. Of course the world is going to be tough, your character is reaaaaaaally weak.

Go into a dungeon, get some better gear. Buy gear on the auction house. Craft gear. Just… get better gear.

It’ll be night and day, I assure you.


What are Diminishing Returns, Alex?


The game is trash because you died in the open world?


I mean, they’ll die more in that honestly. The mobs are much more forgiving now than they used to be. if they’re dying to two normal nobs now I can only imagine how they’ll feel when the quest mobs they need are scatted among a camp of elites that can one shot if you get too close.


Think he’s talking about the scaling and not how hard the mobs r


The problem isn’t even really the scaling. Dude was dealing with 111 stat budgets (and potentially functional Legion legendaries) versus being a grossly undergeared 120. Stat budgets have DRs. He leveled up but didn’t gear himself, and then somehow expected things to remain the same.


Even with the scaling, gear has never been easier or more tailored to fit your character in leveling or at max level. Even when it’s not ideal stats it’s still an improvement. People in classic were wearing stuff several levels behind their current just to get a certain stats. The only advantage is that when you outlevel an area it stays there, but if he’s concerned about current max level stuff trashing him. Classic is going to be much worse, assuming people even make it there before calling it quits.

When he was 111, the mobs were 111 also. Now that he’s 120, he is geared in barely 120 gear and the mobs have much nicer gear. The 120 mobs are geared for players that have much much better gear. The mobs’ ilvl doesn’t scale up with yours after 120.

Get better gear and go back and you’ll find they aren’t so tough to kill again.

That isn’t supposedly low. Thats monstrously low. Thats probably lower than what I will be on a fresh 120 the day I hit 120. There are sooo many ways to fix that extremely fast. If you don’t try to fix it, that is your fault.

And we get it. You hate the game. You post non stop how Acti-Bliz is horrible, the game is trash. But you are still here.


I remember when BFA was hard on a shiny new 120 Hankypanky.

I see some people telling you to gear up which will help, but I think you should group up too just to make things easier on yourself. Make a low ilvl friend and have fun questing together.

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289 is only about 30 item levels higher than people were getting during the pre-launch event at 110. That should say a lot.


“I died. This game is trash.”

Because there is no way any other variable possibly played a role in this.


frikking hysterical.

“120 druid murdered by two trash quillen…gets #2 DPS in BfA Dungeon…news at 11”

y’all can do your best to defend this crap…crap is what it is.
I just got #1 DPS on nearly every mob fight in a BfA dungeon…and #2 on pretty much all the single target fights.
Gets killed by two world trash quillen afterward
What a joke.
Amazing some people will actually make up excuses for this mathmatical disaster of a game


And the absolute best part of Blizzards Whacky Common Core math is that a 111 in all greens about about ilvl 225 can stomp half a dozen of those same world trash quillen and not break a sweat :rofl::rofl:
Funny how we missed this big a math problem

Game or OP?

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I mean, you said your item level is 289, which means you can’t queue for heroic dungeons which means it’s very likely you’re with other people in just as low of gear or not even the same level at that point. That really doesn’t draw much of a “this system is broken” when that’s the frame of reference. Not to mention balance druids are pretty fantastic in most situations right now unless it’s a fight with a whole ton of movement.

If you’re getting killed by two normal mobs on the regular, I’d say you may need to adjust the way you’re playing your boom chicken or take steps to get more gear.

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Classic will flop.