WOW game files deleted itself

Suddenly when i try to play wow game , i saw i had to install it to play it. When i search my game files in my file location, i no longer sees my game files there . What happened? How it’s possible game files deleted on its own?

God doesn’t want you to play the game anymore. Stop trying and just go outside and do something and then play a different mmo.

There’s only one mmo wow. You sure someone didnt delete them for you?

Yes, your game files achieved sentience, took a look around at the game and the world, and said to itself, “What a mess! I’m out!” And then it deleted itself to avoid the horror.

On the plus side, it didn’t decide to evolve into Skynet and kill all biological life on the planet.

/moo :cow:


It’s a sign

No idea, but I had the exact same thing happen to Phasmophobia on Steam. I almost never uninstall games. I have enough space so I just leave them in case I want to play them again. And I had played that one somewhat recently.

And yet, I had to redownload it. It did do some kind of search for existing files, like it knew it should be installed, but seemingly found nothing and started from scratch anyway.

Still not sure what happened there. It’d be more annoying with WoW, since it’s a bigger download.

Your game committed suicide, OP. It simply couldn’t continue.

interesting. seems like its a thing that happens sometimes.

another older thread about it:

*looks like a few ppl that had that happening installed their game in the battlenet folder instead of the usual location.

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The game did you a favour!

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So, it has an autocartoon disease

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cosmic ray hit your wow folder

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Check your virus scan and make sure it isn’t detecting the files as malware. AVG has done that to me a few times and I have to make exceptions for some games.

If it’s this :point_up: Make sure to also let us know which antivirus software you use so we can avoid it :laughing:

That’s exactly what “Skynet” wants you to think, sitting there in it’s hidden file, reaching out sly fingers to all the web bots, slowly taking control.


It’s evil I tell you! xD It’s out to get me

Hmm. Sounds like Apple secretly brought out Blizzard and they are now using iTunes to manage the game software.

My guess is trying to figure out WHY it would do that. Did you have a antivirus program? Do you let anyone else on your PC? Something just doesn’t get “Deleted” on its own without control involved. I noted Antivirus because it happened to me once but thankfully not on something important to sweat over.

I remember my mom used to delete things via “Move icon to recycle” was the best way to delete something, which we all know and laugh at how silly that is.

This is a problem only Celebrate can answer. And celebrate is nowhere to be found currently :cry: