Wow, Final Fantasy XIV is better than WoW

You mean how there’s 2 races who just can’t wear hats because they were rushed in last minute? You mean how there’s intense clipping on every hair style that isn’t above your shoulder? You mean how there’s about 8 races total, 2 of which are genderlocked, and 2 of which are just “human but different sizes.” You mean how one of them is just “human but shorter with cat ears.” It’s all down to preference I suppose, but XIV’s character creation isn’t as “big” and “complex” as you’d like to think. Each character gets 4 faces, WOW you have at least 5, if not more.


I get frustrated at how limited the skill choices I have. The SP games, even in Oblivion, had you customize and build spells.

Weapons had enchants with cool effects.

The controls on ESO are literally dumbed down enough that I can play it like the mobile Blades.

The story is what fascinates me. Not the UI, not the controls, not the combat, and WoW makes classes clear in roles where ESO doesn’t.

Ugh that would be so awesome if WoW implemented housing I feel like it could happen…but idk if it will ruin the social aspect of a mmo. ion mentioned it that interview last week about how the garrison ruined the social aspect of mmos and they are trying to avoid that. garrison is kinda similar to the housing thing? yea?

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Well, you can still look at the downsides, but the upside is superior to what we have - currently - in WoW. And character customization also going through the diversity of ways you can outfit your character, to even the possibility of changing stuff like standing animations, etc.

Of course, Shadowlands will address this a bit, which is fortunate.

I don’t know anyone who didn’t cry at that moment in the game. Great expansion.

The combat is super engaging and high skill in PvP. However, I don’t like having to press my skill or bar switch keybind 8 times in Cyrodiil before it actually goes off. They really need to do something about their server performance because it’s starting to go off the rails.

Now I’m tempted to play the game just for that story. FFT was the first game I’ve ever been a fanatic about.

I like both games and have active subs for both. Unfortunately, Shadowbringers completely dominates BFA is terms of quality. One of the best MMO expansions ever, the reviews and awards solidify that.


I’ll concede that you can customize more colors on your choices, but that’s the only thing it has more of. It’s all superficial, content wise it’s much more sparse. And I also don’t think people realize with XIV’s transmog system is you have to keep every single piece of equipment you want to transmog. It gives you a chest you can store them in, but it has a hard cap of the amount of items you can put in. Imagine your transmog book in wow, and having to keep every single piece of equipment you’ve unlocked in your bank or your inventory,

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The PvP is ruthless. It’s fast and engaging, but getting one shotted a lot is normal.

Cyrodil is a lot of fun, but I’m talking more on a 1vs1 basis.

I like capture the relic. That’s about it.

To you*. But hey, I’m glad you found a game you can enjoy! I found it to be so boring and dull that I didn’t make it for very long, but that’s the beauty of having options in games. Go enjoy whatever game tickles your fancy.

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Yeah, I’ll agree with that about content. But I was just comparing the superficial aspect here.

Point is, you look at 5 individuals of the same race and gender in XIV and they can look like completely different people, rather than doing the same thing in WoW currently.

One thing that I’d love to see added in Beta was “size presets” to scale up and down the character in a rate of 15% or so. This might seem nothing, but when there’s a bunch of people together, size can make a difference.

Story wise? Yeah for sure. Actual content wise? Nah, Heavensward did everything else much better. Shadowbringers has a good story, but no content. Even the relic weapon which always added an optional grind/end game content for people to do was quite literally “go into this instance and fight 1 easy LFR level boss.”

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Yupp, if you don’t know CC break timings and dodge rolling major enemy abilities you will be 1-shot before you can press a button. Super rewarding though after you actually get good at it. Only problem is ZoS likes to buff and nerf gear sets and classes with nuclear bombs instead of slight tuning passes. :rofl:

FF 14 has better story, music, and bosses imo. But the endgame is pretty lacking. You do the savage raids and then what? I mean i guess you could do Ultimates, but they need more activities.

WoW’s PvP imo is way more fun, and there’s just a lot more to do overall. I enjoy both really.

Coolest story on the interwebz op. Still early though, and pretty sure something even cooler will be posted later.

Cool, your personal opinions mean nothing to me, the statistics say otherwise. Your vendetta against this game isn’t something I care about.

I really enjoy pre CP Cyrodil and PvP. After CP…not so much.

Statistics about which 14 expansions were more popular? Do you have that info, I’m quite curious.

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Who said anything about popularity?