WoW Error - ACCESS_VIOLATION - Been Happening since 29/8/24

I’ve been having this issue, post early access of coming back to retail, I have only had this error occur in Retail WoW, I have been able to play games like Escape from Tarkov / Classic WoW / Hunt Showdown / Deadlock / Fallout 4 with no issues whatsoever

I have tried the following -

Updating all my drivers
Updating my BIOS
Reinstalling WoW
Turning all Graphics options to low, turning off all extra graphical options, and setting my Direct X to 11 from 12, and also changed to auto to see if it helped to no avail
Deleting my Cache and WTF Folder
Factory Resetting my PC

after each of these steps I have tried to start playing again only to have the error come up, I am still having this issue pop up, it can let me play for either 1 minute and it pops up or 1 hour and then it pops up

this is my DXDiag ^

^ and this is my blizzard reporting ID

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Ive had the same issue. In my 20 years of playing this game. I have never had an issue until now


I am having the same problems ughjhhh

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Same here, never had this problem before and now I keep crashing, and it crashes my computer as well

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A little edit to add

I played through the last week of the pre-patch event, and also through early access of TWW with this error not occurring once, it is only after the TWW launched officially that this error has started occuring

An extra edit -

This error always pops up when
I try to change talents Crash - Importing Talents Crash
When I die and hit release spirit Crash - When I get back to my Body Crash (My Warlock is now stuck in the In-Between in Shadowlands because I crashed on the taxi ride back to Oribos, I cannot unstuck him cause I crash everytime I try)
When I buy an item using currency of any kind Crash (Example, crashed when I bought my epic chest from Hallowfall / Crashed when I bought the mount from Trading Post)
When I accept a quest Crash - When I turn in a quest Crash (doesnt seem to be happening as much now)
When I get the beginning of a Daily World Quest Crash - or when I complete a Daily World Quest Crash
When I try to respond to a whisper by clicking on the person’s name Crash - however if I do /r and tab select I can whisper back without crashing (not using any communication addons)
When I access my addons page in game Crash
When I try to trade currencies between warband characters Crash
Taking Portals from Valdrakken to Stormwind or any other Portal from Stormwind to a location available Crash
Equipping new gear that adds to my collection list Crash - sometimes when receiving BOP Epic gear it doesnt always crash I would say around out of 10 times, 4 times it would crash, but if I click on the item and it takes me to my collection page then I always have crashed
Accepting a summon to a new location Crash

To clarify the above everytime I have written crash it is this error, everytime.

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Your dxdiag is no longer available

Sorry this should work

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Same issue. Today is the first time I’ve had this issue in 20 years. ----- I’m old…

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If you have a 13th or 14th gen Intel CPU, it’s probably dying.

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So, my brand new computer that I just got…that plays everything else just fine…is dying cause it can’t handle the sheer extreme graphical powerhouse that is WoW. K bro.

Blizzard screw something up with the last update.


I hope they fix this before season starts.

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You have a Nvidia GPU and a Radeon GPU? The dxdiag is showing you have both?

Also, your drive is way too full. You need 15–20% free for the pagefile.

 Drive: C:

Free Space: 151.3 GB
Total Space: 1906.8 GB

Genuinely I dont know why that is, I did earlier this year have to replace some parts in my PC due to a power outage, I upgraded to a AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8 Core Processor, and when the tech guys installed it all they did install the AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition application which is saying i have a Radeon GPU but everything I have selected to use as the graphics option is going through my NVIDIA 2080 Super

I will free up some space and see if it helps - Update: Have freed up space, giving myself 410GB of free space, not really helping it seems

Use Display Driver Uninstaller to remove all the drivers, then get the ones for the nVidia card from their website.

Have just tried this, gave the PC a reset after, tried playing, 10 minutes in, (dont ask why) but accidentally fell off my mount and died, and same error pops up when I hit release spirit, opened back up, went back to my body accepted rez, error pops up again

This has been a issue with lots of games this year, turn off XMP and watch all your problems disappear.

i see this option in my bios but it only gives the option to change profiles not turn it off. i’m having the same issue as the OP. any clue how to actually disable it?

I have gone into my BIOS and made changed to the XMP options, I currently have it set at AUTO, but this is only happening in Retail WoW, currently been playing Manor Lords for about 5 hours straight, and having a youtube video play in the background, and nothing has gone wrong, yet in WoW, I try to buy 1 item from trading tenders shop and I get a error

I have been getting random disconnects/crashes ever since i came back for pre-patch. However, today it has been way way worse for some reason. I have been getting about 1 crash per day (sometimes two), until today, where it has crashed several times.
The crash most often seems to happen when taking off/landing a mount, but it has also happened during combat. It never seems to crash when just messing around in town, always when i am flying around and being active.
I haven’t been getting any errors, but thats probably just my PCs fault. Game just freezes up and stops responding and then is force closed by windows.
Sometimes i can play for a few hours or all day just fine, and sometimes it will crash after only a few minutes or an hour. But today it crashed like 5 times within an hour; all of the crashes happened when i was in the Hallowfall Lamplight weekly quest area, probably because of how much action is going on there.
Doesn’t really seem like any graphic option changes have made any difference. Even if i reduce everything down to the lowest settings and massively smooth out my FPS stutters, it still happens.
I’m on an AMD PC, just in case anyone was wondering. Have seen some people tying this issue to Intel and i don’t think the problem is specifically Intel related.