WoW Economy TOS

I’m wanting to start a community to have JCs discuss market prices and maybe come up with a price to charge for top tier items. I’ve seen ppl ask for 100g for some of the top rings and necks.

In this group we would say something like, ‘‘We want to charge 5k for top tier items…’’

My question is, is this against the WoW TOS? IMO Its not really market manipulation because multiple people are agreeing to charge a price but not everyone has to do it and it can be easily undercut by someone who doesn’t agree.

Please let me know what you think. Just kind of spitballing here…

I mean good luck convincing every single JC to go with the plan


From what I see ppl are holding low gold crafting orders and not crafting them to keep ppl from getting their items. For the most part I have a lot of JC who agree with me but I want to make sure its not a TOS issue.

Not against TOS, but think about it this way.

Would you be OK if every miner decided to get together to decide that the gems and ore used to create the products were a very specific price? They decide that the top gems are 6k each, ores are 19k a stack of 10, and only a few people list below that, and are immediately bought out by one of these miner community and relisted at the chosen price.

I know that this is probably the opposite price direction than what you are suggesting. It just demonstrates what a community like this might affect the economy as a whole.

I don’t think that’s against ToS, but I also don’t expect it to do what you want it to.

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Personally, I would make a miner lol but i see what you’re saying.

The AH is a completely free market. You and everyone else on the server are welcome to sell anything at any price if it can be put up for auction.

That said, even if, and that’s a big IF people agreed to join your “community”, they can still just undercut or even sell at a loss. This would be completely unsupported and unenforceable.


You can’t moderate people’s greed.


So the main purpose of it is for the crafting orders. Gems and all that dont really come into play outside of the primary ones. And its not so much to moderate it but just to set a base line for people who want to make a lil more.

This sounds like a perfect opportunity to agree with one JC and create an entirely different JC to undercut the community.


You’re allowed to, sure, so long as you don’t try and force people to take part and/or harass them if they refuse to join, which is unfortunately where a lot of these plans end up going after a while.

Just keep in mind that all it takes is one person to decide they’re cool with taking 1000g tips instead of 5000g to throw a wrench into things.


People should be pretty careful about answering a question like this, tbh.

Not because of anything dire. This is just territory rife for political argument.

Next up; a JC needs to spend 1500 hours as an apprentice to another JC (in the cartel) who gets all his/hers output. Then the leaders of the cartel will charge dues (without actually doing anything but set prices.)

A baseline that will adjust itself with the very next person willing to do it cheaper, and cheaper, and so on.

Does it violate the EULA? No,.it doesn’t. Will it work? Maybe for a few minutes.

I mean, I did try to come up with something so ridiculous, that no one would agree with it, but I guess this is a different world we live in these days. lol

And tbf maybe I give people too much credit on the parallels they can draw. I just try to avoid certain things altogether.

There have been people banned for market manipulation before, but it is more difficult to do now with most in demand crafted goods not being able to be put on the AH and people not being able to deal with the limits of their servers for materials. So, less vulnerable to the types of attacks that would require intervention, but not completely free. The good news is you or I will likely never have the sort of gold required to perform that sort of market capture.

It would be hilarious to have a bunch of people weaponize the AH for a day and sit on the forums and wait.

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In fairness… the way people complain, and act like their view is majority, you’d expect things like this to happen fairly regularly.

Of course the reason why it doesn’t is pretty mundane, but it’s still amusing to think about. It’d be a great way to make Blizzard listen - full market disruption for something they see direct financial gain out of, these days.

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JC played video games?
Who knew?