WoW Dropping Back to #3 Most Popular MMO This Weekend

ill have to check it out i’ve been in there a few times leveling but i haven’t seen an insane amount of people in there like Goldshire. Not sure what time. I don’t think they do phasing or anything like in WoW. You don’t even hear a peep about this unless you look for it I guess. I’ve put about 100 hours into the game on balmung. Never had anyone try and ERP with me. /shrug.

oh you mean the thing that happened at the start of this expansion and the queues were hours long and then finally blizzard offered people free transfers off the full servers - that type of thing. The thing that normal people just took the opportunity to watch netflix instead of posting on a forum of a game they have no interest in.

The site I assume you used to get these fake numbers is not a credible source at all, none of these games actually release numbers for any of them.

Scraping Blizzard’s own website where they document every character and update them every log out is now not credible and sifting through that data in an easy to read formation on a website is not credible. Holy hell this is some impressive cope.

It literally is using BLIZZARD’S OWN WEBSITE.


I played on Tichondrius which is one of the most populated servers on this game and NEVER had a queue in the entire month span I played. Try again.

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I don’t have to try again - all kinds of people remember

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Oh right, the server transfers off of THREE SERVERS of a game that has what, 130? Don’t worry, my queue is at 233, I’ll be done with you in about 40 mins.

it was more than 3 servers - in fact the server you claimed never had a queue, I transferred one character off. But nice try rewriting history.

You’re right, though it was order and destruction. Regardless it had the same problem. Each server had one faction that controlled everything and because the other faction didn’t have the numbers/motivated players the forts/capture points were rarely ever contested.

In the case of new world, this will be even more of a problem since players/factions that have control over areas can also affect those regions taxes.


New World servers have only a capacity of 2000 people so it’s not surprising that they have queues. I am curious why they went that route and what is going to happen once server populations die out when the “New Car Smell” is gone.

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That is the problem with assumptions. No I don’t use silly sites like MMO-Pop etc… they are a complete joke.

We are using Blizz own metrics and in game statistics. Again, it’s not like WoW subs are some ancient mystery that can’t be solved.

Which site are you getting that information, I’m curious to see it.

You’re comparing the end of a tier, to a launch of a game…

If you play games for that bull$hit, then knock yourself out. But please, stay there. Not everyone plays wow for that crap. Some of us only care about endgame and gameplay, and 95pct of the NW playerbase won’t even be able to participate in endgame, and the combat is the worst I’ve seen in a major title in a decade

Again as I said in my previous post, once the shine wears off (or people see its issues), it will decline over time but it depends how much content within the game that willing to keep players long term.

I can’t think off other niches that New World has other than it being PvP centric for the MMO PvP audience and for the Gathering/Crafting people,

Not saying that PvP is a bad thing but MMOs focusing on PvP has declined in popularity over the years and sometimes doesn’t stay relevant for long.

Sure you might say there is PvE content in the game but from what I have seen there isn’t really that much other than dungeons and the games main appeal is PvP.

Its a wait and see, I’m not expecting much from Amazon.

While during the OG WoW classic (not the rerelease), it is a journey however when you get to max its always has been instances like raids, dungeons and PvP for years, it has been the main source of endgame content to keep the max level players engaged.

I can agree that you want leveling to be a journey again but instances are here to staying, regardless how you feel about them.

Now go back to playing New World if you enjoy it, go knock yourself out but please don’t go posting another obnoxious thread about New World where you make up numbers that you don’t have sources to back up the said claims and boast that it will save MMOs, don’t take this out of context as I’m defending Blizzard here, I agree that everything that they did in the past 5 years has been bad but still we dont need another New World thread here in the General discussion forum, if you want to talk about New World than go Off-Topic.

lol nw just came out and its already pushed wow into #3, but where do you get your stats? anyway good to see if true

This isn’t an obnoxious thread though. Just having a discussion about WoW dropping back to #3 and made several talking points about that in the OP. No idea why you are mad and getting worked up. Although the state of WoW does have a lot of people mad which is why it’s the largest player loss in history.

It will be interesting what Blizz decides to do with their games the rest of the year. Will they start making content for the players that left and went to other MMOs? Will they change their philosophies on time-gating convoluted systems and chores? We shall see.

Interesting. I haven’t checked out new world, but I severely miss warhammer online. The engineer is the funnest MMO class I’ve ever played.

There isn’t a new crew. To our knowledge only 4 people left and only one of them had ability to have direct input into the WoW team. The WoW team largely remained in tact. Ion is still making this game, and you’re not going to see much change there, even with Ybarra now at the top nothing is going to change because Ybarra is exactly like Ion.

And yet here you are, spending your time posting paragraphs on the wow forums instead of playing that incredible new game. /smh

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I’ve tried both of the newer replacements and figure if I’m going to be bored with repetitive content then it might as well be in the one I’ve been playing for years.

The term MMORPG has lost it’s meaning in gaming. It’s now about shoving as many mini games into the world as they can. Systems to grind and for some reason they thought we would want to read the stories outside of the game vs experiencing it?

The people who understood what it was about were replaced with the socially empowered children being churned out from the “enlightened” university teachers. It’s no longer about belonging to something outside of the real world. It’s now about how many life lessons we can be taught in this now Sesame Street inspired game.

You know? I would actually play a Sesame Street based MMO. That in itself sums up where the industry is right now.