Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Don’t diss the yeti onesies! They are awesome cute and cuddly! ^^


Quite a lot seemed to love the corruption thing. I hated it, lol.
Just felt like one more annoying system to deal with.
I think if they chose ONE thing to do each expansion like that I would love it.
But its system after system, currency after currency. At a point I just have to stop end either force myself to ignore it (Like Im doing in DF that yet again has gone way over the top with currencies / systems) so I can maybe see the content itself.
Or I have to quit current and go back to old content and farm instead so I stay subbed, lol


which state do you think will give better results?


So you go around telling people to “grow up” while thinking these moronic things are ok for the game’s lore and immersion. Rofl, that’s rich.


Frankly, moving the company to get new staff would be an incredibly stupid move; you’d effectively have a period of dead air due to people quitting (Why bother continue working at a company that is going to shut down in 3 months and move a thousand miles away?) which would cause a massive stock crash for Blizzard and hurt their ability to hire new staff (why go to work at a company that is circling the drain?) who are going to need to seriously consider whether or not the company will just Hobo away.

It’s just… It’s like an Escher stair of stupid.


To me it feels like someones 10 year olds idea of what the lore should be


i want one of you to be specific. who do you think they should fire? who do you think they should hire?

you have to pay me $1 if you use the phrase “blue hair” in your reply


See the thing about corruption that I liked is that it gave us this risk/reward set of powers at the end of an expansion that let us do ridiculous imballanced nonsense. It was what I refered to as “big stupid fun” the likes of which this game so rarely indulges in.

I do agree that it being another system in an expansion riddled with systems wasn’t great.


This is the 3rd tier maintenance team

Not able to generate anything like wow in their own

They just follow a playbook and their manager instructions

9-5 paycheck devs

Any dev worth their salt moved to hot franchises


Nope. But if you ask me, any business that wants to survive in this economy(unless we get real leadership on the federal level) will want to rethink where they are based.

When you run your business out of the most expensive state in the country, you WILL lower your hiring standards, just to be able to push out even a mediocre product.

See SL/DF for reference.


oh, did blizzard just move to California after bfa? i thought they’d been there a while prior to that.


If you can find me a main character in the lore walking around in a yeti onsie and it isn’t the first of April, then I’d say you have a point

Otherwise I would point towards the OG Blizzcon bear having sunglasses, a Blizzcon flag, and a murloc swinging around the place

The lore of the Warcraft universe is something IMMENSELY different from the game itself, of which has been exceedingly silly since the beta with the developers even using bugs and unfinished textures just to tease and mess with players

I mean for crying out’s sake, the OG fight with Neltharian had (at least the potential, I can’t remember what triggered it) to have it raining cows in the middle of the fight

Yes, I will tell people to grow up when folks say stupid things and try to dictate how others are allowed to play the game by advocating for the removal of things simply because one personally dislikes them


While I’m mostly playing Wrath Classic these days, I just picked up Dragonflight a few days ago, and leveled up, geared up (not fully, but enough for M+ and Arenas).

I had taken a break from TBC Classic when Shadowlands was current, and when I decided to come back for Wrath Classic, I picked up shadowlands and played a DK for a content patch (9.2.0-9.2.5), and while the world was quite different, and obviously there are some differences to class trees, talents, etc. overall I thought it was a decent way to learn DK for Wrath Classic (the general idea is the same, imo).

This sort of ties into answering your question. I leveled up a warrior that had been sitting at level 50 (it had been my main during early BFA before I quit), and it feels more or less like a WoW warrior. However, the questing, the graphics, the dragon riding did make me question, while leveling, “Is this even WoW? Should it be a different game?”

I wanted to check out rated arena solo-queues, and that’s OK. Overall, I’ve got to say that the modern group-finding automation tooling doesn’t really seem to make it particularly easier or faster to find groups, and the leveling and even end game (so far, for me) experience has felt very hollow.

I suspect it might be a little different if I push to get into a Mythic Raiding guild, or start to progress to higher ratings in Arenas.


You know exactly what i mean, and i wont get drawn into one of your typical peeing matches like others.

Since the lawsuit, they scraped the bottom of the talent barrel, and it shows.


So you think that if they move to a location that aligns with YOUR political views, they will change the product to better align with what you want. Interesting, lol.


I mean sure these are all things that would happen if one moved but I doubt that’s the reason why they are advocating for them to move, the side-effect of destroying the game would just be (in their books most likely) a positive bonus


Kid, Blizzard Activision Makes billions every year just from Microtransactions and services. They are making enough money to cover the costs of qualified staff.

They choose not to because Bobby and the rest of the board would rather live like kings with 3 palaces instead of a mere 2.


Right On!!


In the 2000s, when this game was made, California was a much different place and the studio itself was small and agile. It’s pretty clear the corporate bloat and culture change we have slowly seen in CA has infected the game. I bet there are plenty of devs at blizzard who think along these lines but are scared to lose their job if they don’t go along. That’s kinda what happens under an authoritarian culture.


First off do not call me kid ok.

Secondly, with a reply like this, theres NO WAY you are 60!

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