Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Yes. You were referring to one singular screen.

99.99999999999999999999% of all content though? You can still say it.

I am well aware that they were alluding to a specific screen and pretending it was happening everywhere in game. That is my point and why I replied like I did. It was a gross exaggeration trying to pit people against certain communities.


Nope, I’m not going to be bullied into unliking a comment that had nothing to do with the diatribe you 3 got into. This is a perfect example of what is wrong with people today.

This is a fair point. I don’t align with that poster, I just agreed with a few points they made.


But the comments made by that poster were specifically designed to get into the diatribe we got into.

That poster made those opening remarks with that goal.

But those points werent made in a vacuum. They were false. And they were designed to create a larger mess.

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I love when other players can express my thoughts better than I can myself.


And you fell right into his trap. You guys fed that poster. It would have died at the top of the page, but you felt like it was your duty to correct some clueless bigot on the internet.

You’re just as much at fault here for feeding that guy. Best thing you can do with a bigot like that, is just ignore them


Yet you didnt.

You realize that liking his comments is not ignoring him…right?


Those posts were at the top of the page, some of the very first things the poster said before they started to show their true intentions.

I get tired of this extreme black and white thinking and tribalism that is so prevalent in our society these days.


I liked this comment here.

Get off your soapbox dude.


Once again.

You stated his points were a trap.

You liked the trap.

You stated we should have ignored him.

You didn’t ignore him.

I am referring to talking about in game body options. Dont forget this one.


Not only feels like Warcraft to me, but better then it ever has been.

Been playing WOW since WOTLK came out and this version is the most fun I’ve had since I started playing.
I like the Dragon Isles, but the flying could be fixed… wish it worked like normal flight… but other than that, it’s a lot of fun.

My Spouse and I are in our 60’s and team up with one of our Children and we bramble through the Kingdom for hours enjoying it all. We enjoy everything from the lvl 1 zones, all the way through the new zones.

Although I will say… FINALLY a “Sell All Junk” button. YES!


So let’s clarify a few things: Post WC3 the night elves got pretty wrecked by the burning legion and the scourge due to them being the main opposition to Archimonde’s ultimate goal (mount hyjal) and as such they don’t have wild gods (as far as I know the only thing close to that would have been cenarion who was dead) and their aren’t giants in anywhere near enough numbers to make a difference worth noting.

So as a result you have the baseline of units which would have been more or less represented by: Druids, rogues, warriors, priests and hunters.

For the horde you would have had Druids, rogues, warriors, priests, shamans, mages and hunters, all concentrated and organized for a push into ashenvale. A fight which we can conclude they would have lost since ~all things being equal~ the horde was able to push through ashenvale and darkshore in the leadup to BFA.

Complaining about a game you daily log into and play…

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Please get off your soapbox. These forums don’t need posters like you, your entire goal is to just incite people into arguing.

Time to add you to my ignore. I’d wager you are on a lot of people’s ignore list.

I honestly think your intent was to derail this thread so it would get deleted, because you obviously can’t handle criticism of the game. I looked through your post feed, most of your comments are you just attacking people for voicing criticism.

Every game forum has a poster like you, the person you is completely engrossed into the game that this becomes like their identity.

I sort of feel bad for you.

Edit: So what I liked 2 of those posters posts, doesn’t mean I align with their views. The first post was just a general statement about the team, and the other I liked was pointing out a real issue in the company.

You obviously made it a mission to discredit me, because I liked 2 posts in a 290 post thread of a guy that didn’t show their true colors until the thread developed.

Again, your goal here is to incite, nothing more. You have a pattern for it.


You complained I was derailing the thread, so I made an effort to keep it on topic.

You made half a dozen posts about this. And derailed your own thread.

And when I responded to you…you once again…came out swinging with personal attacks.

Where at any point did I attack someone for voicing criticism?

I had no issue with you liking the first post.

The second post was a false statement.

His true colors is when he started saying blatantly false things.

Please stay on topic with the thread.


Sylvanas was able to get the Night elves to divert the majority of their military to Silithus. That’s why the Horde was able to blitz quickly but wasn’t able to hold the territory.

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At this point you’ve talked more about politics than me.

Along with more personal attacks.


And yet they still had a major port from which they could recall their forces.

i agree 110% with ya OP. the only thing the current expansion has that feels slightly warcraft-y, is the tuskarr, and the centaur… and even then, the centaur more feel like they have the WoW-theme, but not the lore.

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Let us please stay on topic. How do you feel WoW has changed?


The story is very childish and overly concerned in being politically correct. That quest about the Orc filling guilty for slaving dragons in the past is overkill. The assumedly new forsaken leader is also a bummer. The Forsaken were supposed to be that sketchy race that no one really trust (not even their horde mates) because they can be allies today, and be throwing poison in the river next day while chanting “death to the living”. Well, Orcs and Taurens are part of the living world too lol… They are afraid of creating controversy because of the twitter social warriors… I’m sure next expansion they will be very close to the level pokemon is in now and will be toddler friendly.