Wow did u guys ruin cata/firelands

u guys nerfed by 15% even after the post nerf… literally 8 manned beth in 10m on first pull, accidently spawned 25m trash in 10 man, and were able to 6 man it while we were waiting for people to get off work…

At this point i cant help but be convinced u are trying to kill off your cata player base. First you know most the base quit the game cause the massive changes/dps having to actually play the game like tanks/heals(with some accountability/respecting mechanics) but now u nerf it so hard its not even appeasing for the people that looked forward to the difficulty?

My head hurts, Chinas client has 11 million players on ulduar can u figure out how to let some of us go back to good content with a player base?

Does anyone there think? i mean come on you guys couldve just built raids off wrath content instead of your failure of SOD. wouldve been less work(which we all know your fans of) and much more appealing.


yep, everything is post nerf, firelands looking grim right now


How much is available on ptr?

So let me explain my experience from 2011 firelands and this PTR.

in 2011 i was 6/7 with personally over 500 heroic ragnaros pulls between pre nerf, first nerf, and 4.2 nerf. (guilds kept dying) When 4.2 nerf came out, my guild who was barely getting into p4 with everyone alive 1 shot the boss day of the nerf. We were very upset that it was so easy we werent even excited.


  • Beth’tilac was underwhelming and youre going to see people milk that upstairs phase to parse.
  • Shannox we did every mechanic possible wrong and killed the boss after 3 pulls.
  • We 1 shot ryolith and killed him within 15 seconds of his armor breakign. He was a joke, adds were not even a nuisance.
  • Alysrazor is just seeing the fight. Once our tanks got the worms, people killed the meteor and guys flying got rings. We almost 1 phased her down phase. (she went back up at like 2%)
  • Baleroc was the most fun fight as of now, but still very easy when people understand how tormented works and a crystal rotation is set up. He has 50 Million less hp. So you just over heal it.
  • Domo, you keep in cat as long as possible, soak balls, stack for scorpion and rinse and repeat the fight over and over until he dies 8 minutes later. (was never actually hard back in the day just long)
  • We’re pulling rag tonight, but with so much of his hp missing, once you get seeds down in p2 people will see p4 very fast and probably kill him before soft enrage.

We are significantly better players now and this zzzzz content is just… some like it because they dont wanna play much. Some hate it because we want atleast some challenge. I dont raid retail because i dont like wiping 500 times anymore. But i love progression, even if its old content. If i wanted a joke and easy raid i’d go play era or SoD.

Just dont do the 4.2 nerf so things are a little tougher… Meet us in the middle blizzard.

Cmon aggrend, the sod dream might be over.

edit: wrong patch changed to 4.2


What ilvl do you get to use for the test?

you really expect people to believe that China alone has more people doing ulduar than original wrath had for 90% of its lifetime?

Yes the owner of warcraft logs posted it 11 million individual characters logged for ulduar. They just renewed their contract in china with netease about 6-9 months ago. Go to wowhead and read the post.


Yes it was posted the other day by the person who runs WCL.

I mean it definitely has alts running it, but yeah 11m pretty impressive

Putting it at 4.3 Firelands is pretty dumb, even in t11 we had 4.1 which missed most of the big raid nerfs that happened in 4.2

Not sure why they want firelands to be a joke, set it at 4.2.

Edit: I’m looking at patch notes and 4.3 didn’t change anything in Firelands. Maybe it was a later 4.3 patch?

it is a thousand percent not 11m unique players. since it’s china and the stigma about buying boosts and buying items isn’t a thing like it is in US, i’m gonna guarantee that every single person over there has bought at least 7 of the super boosts (level 80, all reps maxed, all flight, ilvl 213 for all gear) so they can do GDKP and sell specific items, hell i bet some people bought like 20 boosts so they can do the entire raid by themselves via botting and bring along 1 of each armor type so they make sure all items can be sold

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All these people pretending to want challenging raids yet you’re playing classic. Go raid retail if you want hundreds of wipes per boss.


We dont want hundreds of wipes, we want around 50.

Im sorry you have the same skills as a 2004 MC raider.


Lol I cleared all these raids 14 years ago homie. I’m happy you’re not honestly.

Also. Its you not “we”.

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^ loser mindset they just want the raids released how they were back then. go kill boars in goldshire on classic vanilla if u dont want to raid what cata content originally was


Go to retail

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No you didnt.

Character name?

Yeah its “we”.

People dont want the nerfed versions we want it to be harder, im sorry you cant handle it and you need target dummies.

Go back to era.


The point of a PTR is to test cpntent and make adjustments all this stuff has been said about every single raid content since Classic TBC and blizzard usually made adjustments.

Its been 1 day and 18 hours since FL hit the ptr and probably has at least 2 more weeks on it. Probably should relax on the doom and gloom.

Hundreds of wipes happen in retail because the retail playerbase has the mindset of a classic player and cant do the 50 mechanics each retail raid boss has.

Its why the majority of the playerbase in retail does LFR because the mechanics are dumbed down to classic level.

This is also a reason why most classic players hate retail they cant handle the raid mechanics.

nO yOu DiDnT

cHArAcTeR nAmE?

yEah ItS “wE”.

pEoPlE dOnT wAnT tHe NeRfEd VeRsIoNs We WaNt It To Be HaRdEr, Im SoRrY yOu CaNt HaNdLe It AnD yOu NeEd TaRgEt DuMmIeS.

gO bAcK tO eRa,

If you want a real challenge a 14 year old figured out version of the game isnt it dog.

Every version of the game is figured out.

You have literally never done anything hard in this game.

Even when i got the multiple cutting edges i got by the time we get to the bosses for 99% of players the fight and strats are all figured out, the specs and rotations are all figured out.

It literally doesnt matter unless youre a world first raider but even then blizzard has a PTR.

You didnt do anything back then because you were bad and you didnt do it now because youre still bad.

Hence you posting on a lvl13 rat with a private profile lmao.

You claimed to do it back then just like everyone else and they are lying just like you, we all get it youre a world first raider and rank 1 pvper on your “other” account.