WoW dating app for players

We used to have one back in the day called “Faces of WoW”

I wouldn’t date a WOW player my god the horror having to play with someone all the time.

There are dating apps for nerds (in other words, WoW players). Several actually, our people aren’t know for their socializing ability.

I love the idea of some sort of platform for WoW singles to make connections.
But ugh… I am a jaded Dwarf. :weary:

The greater vast majority of ladies with any sort of discernable relationship skills are already taken. Most women who are actually single tend to be single by choice and don’t even want a man. Women who are actually deliberately seeking someone for a relationship tend to have complicated standards.

Dating sites are, ironically enough, filled to overflowing with misandrists who aren’t sincerely interested in dating and haven’t the slightest sliver of intention to make an authentic effort towards anything.


Probably would have been a great idea 10-12 years ago when most of us were still young and the pool was much greater.

Dunno if it’d work these days as most of us left who ARE still single have kind of given up on the idea of relationships, are still holding a torch for someone who isn’t coming back, or just plain aren’t really relationship material. I happen to be all 3 myself.

I hope no one irl finds out I play wow. Person I am seeing has no idea and I’m keeping it that way

Tfw was mentioned before on Reddit and someone said “Most player would be Orcs irl.”
I dunno why but that crap had me dying…even though I think WoW Orcs are nice looking lol.

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They will find out eventually… the truth will always come out.

Would never happen. Way too much liability for Blizz if something goes horribly wrong and someone ends up hurt or much worse. Even with careful background checks bad people evade detection.

And if everything works out, I’m sure there would be some clause about Blizz having a claim to the “results” of the marriage. Think Rumpelkotickskin.


if anyone wants to date me please reply to this message thanks



On second though…the faction divide is loosening. Worgen Gaahr does look like a good boy…who could say no to that face x3

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i agree with the concept.

i mean, i see dating apps for other specific reasons, why not a dating-app based on our hobbies?

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February really does make people say and think some strange things, Thank goodness I’m married so I don’t have to worry about stuff like this.

I’m sure there’s a dating app out there for gamers/nerds. I suggest you look at those instead of hoping for a WoW hookup app.

You know, I just had a conversation with someone (from Trade chat) about this.
It did not end well.

Without naming names and paraphrasing, the conversation went something like this:

Me: There should be a WoW dating app.
Them: No. Most WoW players were born in the 90’s- therefore they’re approaching 30. Therefore, since most people who are almost 30 or over 30 now have families- it defeats the purpose of having a WoW dating app.
Me: How’s that? What about the people who are single?
Them: Do the basic math LOL
Me: … ok.

It went on and on like that until I blocked them.
People just don’t want things I guess. _shrug

This could very well be one of the most worrisome threads I’ve ever seen on these forums

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Big no from me.

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Are you nuts? I would never think of dating anyone I met in a dating app, especially one in WoW.
Have you ever read trade chat? That’s been toxic with lunatics for more than a decade. Can you even imagine how these toxic people behave in real life?
Apparently, you can’t. We have young people who are still minors playing WoW.
What do you think would happen to them if they met some of these loonies?
Do you have any idea what happens in some of the dating apps where they “don’t” do background checks?
You should spend some time watching true crime internet dating documentaries out there.
You would shudder to even mention an “in game dating app.”
Why do I think this way? Because I’m a Mom who would never ever allow my kids do any of these things because I give a crap about them.

No thanks, too many Kul Tirans IRL.


How would you make the cross-faction ideology work? I mean, it’s all a Horde and Alliance thing.