WoW dating app for players

People already do that :laughing:

:musical_note: Youā€™re not the loves of my life~ :musical_note:

And because of my bizarre standards, Iā€™ll be forever alone. Beautiful, and alone~ :crying_cat_face:

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Equally as good an idea as 90% of dating apps out there

So terrible idea, but I still love it


Thats disgusting! But where specifically, which site do they use for that? So i can sell my pics on it.

Problem is, dealing with real life breakups in-game. I lucked out. I got to keep WoW, my ex got to keep the RL cosplay group (We share the kid). But Iā€™ve also seen long established guilds destroyed when in-game coupleā€™s real world relationship broke down.

If they ever had a WoW dating service, there should be a prenup vendor in major cities.

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Oof, thatā€™s some fine print right thereā€¦ and youā€™re right, there were some things my exes and I had to untangle when we split up~

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Dating is scary now.
I just started meeting new people.
I met a girl from Las Vegas and we started talking.
She wanted to go from 0 to married in the first conversation.
Told me her life story, about her kids, her job, everything.
Then started saying how she was really into me.

I dunno if she was for real or not, I just went with my gut, assumed it was a scammer and bailed.

Better off staying single I think.

Take a chance, roll the dice

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From what I read in trade chat, thatā€™s gonna be a no from me dawg

You are already taking it to the next level on your server though

^ Says it all

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imagine a dating addon on WOW , that would be so fun

for rp players

Sounds like a bad idea, when so many players are looking to screw each other over.

Though I wouldnā€™t know for sureā€¦never dated anyone in my lifetime. I sat in a girls car eating lunch with her once but I donā€™t think that counts.

Given the ongoing lawsuit against blizzard, I canā€™t imagine this would be well received.

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OH! the love that can be!


Crap is already bad enough in-game or voice in discord so donā€™t feel this would really be any different.

Ppl who say this never consider that if there are an odd number of ppl on the planet then logically someone is dying alone (if you believe in couples vs polygamous stuff i guess)

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Oof, this thread is some bad bait. Nope nope.

/Sneaks back to car. Gets in slowly. Then backs out of driveway and floors it.

:dragon: :ocean:: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Actually, as long as safety could be relatively assured, not a bad idea.
I married young from the pool of people I crossed in life. ick. disaster. just no one compatible in my personal bubble here at all.
And thats the problem. We choose from the small group of people we cross in life. Personalities are so varied that often we dont cross that ā€˜perfectā€™ person we can stand for the next 50 years.
I met my current wife online. We married in 2005 and we both think our marriage has gotten better every year weā€™re together.
I think broadening the pool of potential mates with the internet is a fantastic idea, personally.
Also, because we met online, we spent a year getting to know each other before we met in person. We knew all about each others quirks and issues, so nothing came as a surprise.
It also helps not having the physical attraction/urges blurring the details.
Online only, you can really just get to know the person first, then the physical part can come later after you meet.
And the wife loves video games too. That has been a HUGE plus in our relationship working so well.

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Okay okay, but only cause youā€™re a Draeneiā€¦ everyone elseā€™s fleshy feet weird me outā€¦ especially the Trollā€™sā€¦