Wow dailies for traders tender and gold

so i play genshin impact and they have this daily system that gives you crystals that once you accumulate enough you can pull on a character banner. you can also get them from the world content there or buy them on the shop. this echoes traders tender.

add 4 dailies that give 5 traders tender and gold to encourage more daily logins from players. this system would be separate from the travelers log as thats monthly. this would be a daily

so is these dailies everyday or like its now biweekly tuesday and friday ir everyday?
if everyday then we have people popping on and complain about having to login in wow just to keep up

Counterpoint: Do not do this.





I max out on tenders in like 2 days. So I’d have no incentive to do those WQs, just as I have no incentive to do any other trader’s journal activities once capped.


So… you can then complain about being forced to do dailies in order to keep up.

Brilliant plan!

No seriously… it’s brilliant. If you get what you want then you have future content for multiple threads.

Well you’ve been around long enough to know TSpit’s antics thou… so… like me… you knew where this was gonna lead. So, I chose to post the spoiler for future content. :smiley:


The first thing I saw with this …idea.

Isn’t genshin impact a gatcha game that nickels and dimes it’s players out the whazoo?

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They come so easily if you play even semi-regularly. The last few months, I really don’t even pay attention, and before I know it, I’m at cap for the month. I like it now because it’s a reward for staying subbed with no more effort than I put in before it existed, but I would hate to see them constantly tinkering with it and have it become an actual chore to complete.


yes it it lol

Don’t listen to these people. Nobody is forcing you to pay for, or play wow.

Also, if the trader tender dailies are truly daily, that means they’ll always be available for whenever you have time to play.

They are pixels. You do not need every pixel in the game. Have some self respect.

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Presumably the cap would be increased in this hypothetical scenario.

i know that and i do mis the dailies resetting everyday but thats why we have the bi weekly dailies due to players complaining about having to log in and do chores in wow just to keep up

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tenders have no cap

I always thought that there should be a row in the weekly vault for non raider/M+ people, like complete 10 WQ for the first row, 25 for the 2nd row and 50 for the 3rd or something along those lines, then have the reward be something that non-gear focused people would care about.

I think some extra Trading Post currency would be a nice fit for those people, maybe some bundles that contained various currencies, rep items, chests with mount/pet chances or something. I really believe that the weekly vault is a nice thing to look forward to each reset, there’s no harm in giving all types of players a row.

Not true.

It’s always while supplies last at my local KFC, Bojangles, and Zaxby’s.


They should just let us keep collecting tender after meeting the monthly goal at rates that diminish over time.

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good news it that they are change the vault from doing mythic plus to get gear
to doing dungeons for the gear

I think a better more elegant and simpler solution would be to simply allow us to earn 1500-2000 tender instead of 1000 (and don’t change anything else like prices). Since trader post came out, I’m pretty sure I get to 1000 for the month, ON THE FIRST DAY, without even trying, every time. Makes very little sense.