Wow dailies for traders tender and gold

That’s cool for the people doing that content, but i was really just meaning a row for non raiding/non M+ people, people that primarily do WQ and other solo type content. I don’t think that people should be getting BiS gear or anything from this type of row (just thought i’d throw that in just in case anyone suggests that’s what i was going for lol), the potential rewards should be stuff that would interest those types of players.

U can choose to buy crystals but most people are free to play and get their crystals from the world puzzles and achievements and events

The whales spend 100k tho that’s how they get their money

We all did but it was a one time only thing I think because of how long maintenance lasted so we got a bonus 500. And after that it was 500.

It’s easier to do that versus buy them I think. For me, I just do the free play ones to get anyone I want. Unless it’s a characrer I really want. I haven’t played it since 4.0 came out cause the times I’ve turned on my ps4, I had to update it. And I didn’t have internet.