When attempting to log into the WoW Companion App, I receive the error: “Unable to Connect. Please check that you have the latest version of the WoW Companion. You can check the WoW website for the latest realm status. If you are still experiencing issues, please check your internet connection.”
This error has been preventing me from using the app since 8.2 released half a year ago. The issue appears to be confined to the app and has not affected my ability to log into the game client. I have a Samsung Galaxy s10e with Android version 9.
I am particularly frustrated because I have had a lot of abysmal customer service experiences on this issue. I have made a forum post, where a QA person asked for my phone’s make, model, and OS, and then never responded again. I have similarly reached out via both Twitter support and BattleNet tickets. On each occasion, I have been told to do the following:
“1) Ensure the most up to date version is installed.
2) Update all software on the device your using. For details on what version your device is on, refer to the manufactures support team of your device.
3) Complete a full reinstall of the app itself.
4) If your still getting this error message after the above steps, attempt to login via PC. If you are able to login to the client on your PC but not the mobile app. Please refer to our Technical Forums page for further updates or news regarding any arising issues.”
To be absolutely clear: I have done all of these steps many times over the past 6 months, I do not need to be told to do basic troubleshooting again. Invariably, once I tell the GM I’ve already completed each step, I am told that they can do nothing else and that I just need to be patient, and recently I have even been told that my account may be sanctioned for GM harassment if I open a ticket again. Again, I have been completely locked out of the app for half a year and no one at Blizzard, through any point of contact, has shown the slightest interest in helping get it resolved.
This whole experience has been absurd. I have been more than patient. I’m not your QA employee. It’s not my responsibility to babysit your bugs for months on end. Someone at Blizzard needs to take responsibility for this issue and stop wasting my time.