WoW Companion App 2.0, no Legion

There is no way to look at the Legion content (maps, invasions, world quests, missions)

The app was working fine, then updated and it all disappeared for BfA content.

Is there a toggle or a button somewhere that can go back to the old setup?
08/13/2018 01:12 PMPosted by Nariel
There is no way to look at the Legion content (maps, invasions, world quests, missions)

The app was working fine, then updated and it all disappeared for BfA content.

Is there a toggle or a button somewhere that can go back to the old setup?

This +1000%!! Being able to access legion stuff would make this useful in some small way for the next month or so...since I'm going to be slow leveling in BFA due to work and school. Apparently blizzard has changed their official moto from "Fun detected, Fun removed" to "Usefulness detected, Usefulness removed".
Please restore Legion access, Blizz. Not all of us have immediately run off to the new expansion. Even if we had, there's plenty of people who still have characters levelling through Legion.
Adding my vote to this. I gave the app a 2-star review in the Google Play Store because they crippled it without notification. (It got the extra star for adding Armory function of viewing your character). I'm still working Legion with my MAIN, let alone my alts who aren't even up to Cata-level yet; my spouse just got to Legion, and all of us who had Legion characters recommended the app to them. Now we look stupid since the Legion usefulness has been removed before they even get to use it. Basically, Wow Companion is now a crippled WoW Armory app, and nothing more, because I'm not playing BfA yet. Thanks to this amazing decision to remove Legion functionality instead of ADDING BfA functionality, I refuse to play any BfA content until I'm all done with Legion on at least two characters (one Horde, one Alliance, so I can unlock all allied races). Since my Alliance main is only 75 and I don't much play him, that may be a while.

Needless to say, if I'm not done with Legion AND BfA when the next expansion drops, I won't bother buying the next expansion.
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Please return Legion mission functionality to the companion app.

I am still farming paragon cache mounts on my main, as well as working on Legion content with several alts. Many folks will be leveling allied race alts. It would be great to have access to the Legion missions from the app, and not have to log in and go to our order halls.

Those class campaign missions where you have to do 5 missions that take an hour each were perfectly fine on the app, but not so much in-game. Please find a way to add the Legion content back in. Thank you.
Agree with everything said. Still enjoying Legion content and am in no immediate hurry to do BFA. Not happy that it was completely removed. It's 2018, make the app select a choice or give you some ability to flip back and forth depending upon the character.
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Agree 100%.

Please add the Legion content back in.
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I very much would like the Legion content back as well. I'm still trying to get Exalted with the Argus factions to unlock allied races and I don't appreciate being forced to teleport to Dalarn to teleport to Skyhold just to check for rep missions when before I could do it on my phone and not leave BfA zones.
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I just un-install the app until blizzard allow use legion content again, please let me known when this happen.
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100% agree here. Bring back Legion missions for those that level alts!
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Please add back in Legion functionality, or make the Legion companion app available separately from the App store!
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Given the Legion reputation requirements for unlocking some Allied Races, players are going to be working on that content long term. If you can’t add a method of swapping between BfA and Legion content into the app, then please make them two separate apps. Thank you.
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Would also like to see Legion function added back in or a replacement for Legion-only content.
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Another +100. Am working on the alt races as well as characters so not having access to legion side is annoying.
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+1 to this post. I was using this app since my main was still on Legion content but now i accidentally updated and can no longer work on it. ._.
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Blizzard, please....I am trying to do Legion missions for rep.

Please restore the functionality.
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Adding in my vote. Like a ton of people, I’m trying to get allied race rep on an alt. This wouldn’t be as big an issue if the requirements weren’t still just as stringent as they were last expansion. Please let us have the option to do both Legion and BFA mission tables.
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Count me in as another player who wants to see Legion functionality accessible in the WoW app. Since everything was built and working perfectly, it should be pretty trivial to add an expansion toggle setting, no?
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+1 Removing legion functionality greatly reduced any plans to make alts. I used my boost and will never buy one from blizz. Please add this back into the app, not everyone is playing current content.