WoW community needs to start making up rumors again

I miss the random rumors of wow. “Like yeah man I hear there’s a vendor in stanglerthorn that sells the swift zulu tiger but you gotta jump around to get to it. only spawns once a month for one person”
or random “scary” legends
etc etc. Good times


If you log into stormwind and use the dagger to stab person 3 times and make witch

Thrall appear behind you with no eyes and scary and whisper you “your mom”

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All the third-party sites kind of killed those since players can easily check if something is true or not.


that’s quitter talk


If you complete 50 world quests without hitting “Save and Continue” or “Save and Quit,” you get to play as Luigi.


Stay away from Karens who take internet seriously and want bnet to be public or else they’ll report you to oblivion. They have social skills of a raccoon, you’re not missing out on anything by not talking to them.


That’s just a defeatist mentality there. We simply need to come up with even grander rumors.

That’s not even a rumor it’s just true.

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I heard if you press this, you get an extra life or something.

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start/Select


If you visit one specific spot in Elwynn Forest at exactly midnight on December 24th you’ll fall through the world and wind up in the secret cow level.


Did you hear who they hired? Turns out that Larry David is going to be the new story editor for World of Warcraft. Now that Curb Your Enthusiasm is over he needed something to do.

All the quests will involve small things that irriate you. For example an NPC giving a quest might say:

“Why did they get rid of percolators? It was big and silver and had the cord, put in the water and you could see the coffee bubbling through the top. Now they have those K-Cups that sputter and growl then hissss at you, “HERE TAKE YOUR COFFEE”, I hate those things. Go find me 12 percolators”.


Far as I know nobody figured out just what it is lurking beneath Silverpine Forest that the devs confirmed ages ago. That rumor was just lost to the ages unless someone knows something I don’t :dracthyr_shrug:

They say you can hear a faint heartbeat buried in the zone’s ambient sounds :dracthyr_tea:

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Nobody ever said this if they were over the age of 8. lol

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There’s actually a secret raid underneath Zaraleck Caverns but you have to do a series of things in a certain order to open the secret underground entrance.

Neltharus actually has a hidden hardmode that unlocks a unique dragonriding skin depending on who you’ve allied with in Waking Shores… Seballion or Wrathion? You have to run the entire dungeon in less than 15 minutes after turning it on.


Data-mining ruined WoW!

Also E-Sports!

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There’s a group of Chirping Choruswog that sit together in Thaldraszus that will sometimes all start singing together. It doesn’t appear to be on a timer and it is unknown what triggers it.

I have yet to witness this event in person and have only seen screenshots.

Further study is required.


You can hold Jaina Proudmoore’s hand too if you show up and click on her a hundred times


I have a lot of other things I can do than personally verify if a rumor is true or not.

Big serious person alert

Did you know if you press all your keys on your keyboard simultaneously 3 times, Khadgar will give you a rainbow gun that can give you access to the rainbow bridge to alternate Azeroths like

Azmerloth and Warlands

And doing quests there earns you pancake flavored Frosted Flakes you can sell and get exciting rewards. Like a giant bowl of cereal you can pull around like that pot in Pandaria.

Also you get access to the god observatoy in the sky. Now, you can hell dive onto any location on Azeroth and fight armies of Silithids, a pre pre expansion event

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

That’s called data mining