WoW community needs to start making up rumors again

If you swim out into the sea to the furthest point before fatigue and then swim to the bottom there are holes in the surface that allow you to swim into the world. Inside you can swim back to main land and swim up but you won’t be able to get to the surface. Nogenfogger or water breathing is needed.

Of the current player base, you MIGHT be able to get new players with such rumors, but 99% of the playerbase knows to check wowhead or other such sites to confirm or deny such information.

It was a panther mount. I’m a firm believer in “if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t”, so I never went looking for it.

Good call, just start doing it in Discords and trade chat. BE the change you want to see.

Good idea though, I’m going to start doing that too.