WoW coming to next gen consoles

Well isn’t that just purrfect.

I’ll see my way out.

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Next Gen consoles…

Umm… the next gen consoles haven’t even been announced yet.

PS5 and the new Xbox are current gen consoles.
PS4 and Xbone are last gen consoles.

Let’s see asking you to give a source for the topic of the thread is not inflammatory or off-topic and is actually a reasonable thing to ask so in no way does it start quarrels.

If the source is reputable then there should be a link people should be able to check . If it is your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate then there is no source.

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Neither was diablo

His source is: Dude, trust me.
He works at the DQ ice cream shoppe drive thru… his specialty is different Blizzards.


Yeah it’s funny until it comes true. Then you guys all get silent.

Diablo is a totally different type of game. They use 5 skills max, not 15+. The game is also played from an upside-down view, not a 3d MMO style. WoW is designed for PC only in these ways.

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I’ll rank your funny claim up there with the statements that the Earth is actually flat.

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3D world games are more than capable of being rendered on consoles. I’m sure that’s not exactly what you meant by that.

Games like dragon age which use hotbars are playable on console as well.

Yes they are but not the way WoW is designed with its mechanics, most people would fail and die a ton.

I’m not sure how they intend to implement it, but that’s the word .

You mean rumors like everything else? Never lol, also controller turning is way slower then KB/M turning so thats a big consideration in future design which they don’t wanna deal with.

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This may seem like an abstract comparison, but bear with me. If you play a game like call of duty, for instance, you can set the turn sensitivity extremely high. Will it be as efficient as a mouse and keyboard? No probably not. That fact is well established with hundreds of other multi-platform games.

wow would never work on consoles

Can we call it WoW 360?

So we can walk up to it, do a 360 and then walk away?

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The ball is already in motion. Why do you think ability pruning and controller support have been implemented.

You’d be facing the same direction.

Laughs in ff14.

Not sure why some people insist on being PC purists