Should i start an ad-hom counter on you too? /s
Plus this easily can be turned on you given the comments here from you. I choose not to because i don’t rely on childish insults like that. Heck, i don’t even do that with OP and he called me a kid or implied i’m a kid like god knows how many times for all to see.
If i tell you for example, if i tell you that WoW is going to shut down in two weeks and i have no source to back up the claims, would you be saying the same things here as you said? You’re putting yourself in position where you’re making it unfavorable for yourself to ask for the truth and have to let the person lie. You don’t understand how powerful this can be if it goes outside of GD. Heck even in GD, being truthful on GD is a good enough start to making it a better place.
In hindsight, i wish they have, because that would conduct more substantial and productive discussions on GD.
You do realize not caring about the problem kind of makes you part of the problem, because you don’t think it doesn’t matter as much?.. I mean isn’t that the reason why GD is bad? that it’s mostly untrustworthy and such? Again, what’s wrong with verification.
…so why you’re on the forums if you don’t believe much of anything on the forums? I mean you clearly think it’s untrustworthy for information, yet you’re still here, defending OP here by telling me you don’t need verification.
Here’s the kingdom hearts thread i was talking about in my examples i’ve given to you, feel free to check it out at your own leisure…
…Okay, so you agree that i don’t have to believe OP if there is no verification to check to see if his stuff is factual. Why then you think verification is unneeded then?..
I think your issue here is you are thinking very black and white "either “100% every single word or claim regardless of context, situation, and so on, needed proof” or “every single thing you say is lying and everybody is a liar and such”, there can be no middleground, nuances, pure black and white. "… I don’t think you understand that context exists on why you can’t be black and white or in gray area all the times…