WoW Classic with the Creators Video

“the main character of world of warcraft is the world” was there ever a better quote than that? thank you for the post. i wish today that they had even half the passion they did 15 years ago.


Yep and it is like that anywhere you are a guest/patron at. You cant do a lot of things here that Blizzard employees can.( Stick threads, modify others posts etc) Don’t like it, go start your own forum where you can make your own rules.

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It’s not that serious.

Good answer.

I do appreciate you developers giving your customers what they want. I hope that next WoW xpac can deliver just as good as classic WoW.

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This was really wholesome :heart:

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F R E S H.

Here we go boys!

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It was the best option to fight pirate servers!

And someone who posts something in the classic forum, could have an excuse to talk for the umpteenth time how retail will be deserted?

No one who does not visit the classic forum, and has no interest in the jurassic version, will see these mummies glorify their version of the game at the expense of those who will still play the retail version!!

The hype train has left the station!

I’m excited to laugh at my friends who didn’t play vanilla. Getting upgrades that was like a grey sword to a slightly better grey sword was great. Then when you finally get something, even if it was strength and spirit as a mage, you were like, YES, it has stats!


Seeing some the original game designers sitting down together.
Definitely enjoyed the video and the hype is building.


What are you saying? Maybe you misunderstood my point.
My point is, that magic wasn’t created by Blizzard.
It was created by you.
It cant be recreated intentionally.

Describing things so vaguely yet so favorably is the reason everyone thinks Classic will be driven by nostalgia.

If you you can be specific, do it, because there is plenty that can be learned from Classic for sure.

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lol the flag police are out in this thread.


Youre actually the most annoying person I’ve ever seen in a single thread… Like why does it bother you so much? Maybe stop complaining and go try and up that pathetic ilvl.


I think of it like this, you can GENERALLY talk about Wow here. Like you can GENERALLY mention some aspect of Wow, also mentioning Classic. For example:

“Will you play retail AND Classic?”
“Will you still play retail, when Classic is out?”
“You realize you’ll have to earn your token in retail, not Classic?”

But the Classic forum would be for non-general Wow stuff, ONLY for Classic:

“What class will you main in Classic?”

“Do you think you’ll even have a SINGLE friend, in that 40 person fielding guild in Classic?”

“Are you going to enjoy the clock punching, serious business side, of your 40 person fielding raiding guild, 3 or more nights a week, 5 hours a night, with spreadsheets on a website tracking attendance and gear acquisition, in Classic?”

See, those last ones only have to do with Classic. So those really should only be in the Classic forum.

General discussion is now about Classic, suck on that haters.


I am 66 years old, played Everquest, Everquest II, then WoW on the first day it was released.

I am as giddy as I can be with excitement to play Classic.

What a great video, thank you for posting it here.


Finishing the quest for stitches, “Bride of the Embalmer”, I think and watching Stitches rumble down the road towards Dark Shore. Stitches holds the record for killing me.

Blizzard is a business. They want to keep customers enjoying content. For this, they need to market. Why wouldn’t they post it in the general forum of THEIR game? You are crazy if you think they wouldn’t post it here. BIG YIKES, the entitlement is real in this one.


Lol go on. No one cares. You will just get the same responses we get.

Aren’t they just preaching to the choir at this point? What rock must one live under to be ignorant of the rebirth of Vanilla (Classic)?