WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Now Live!

This is not Vanilla.

I’m not even sure this is accurate to 1.12. I do not remember it being this bad. Vann/Drek are being killed with every tower in the BG still up.


Then you don’t remember the rushing at the end of vanilla at all.

AV became a joke.


I remember the rush, but I don’t remember ‘kill the boss while ignoring literally everything else in the game’ being this easy.

I remember well-geared groups, t2.5 and up, being able to do that, sure. But we’re doing it now, in MC gear at best, with absolute ease.


Blizz hotfix this mess! AV isnt supposed to be a Zerg in Classic/Vanilla


Hey, we told them to put 1.5 av in instead, they didn’t listen.

They obviously know how 1.5 works, it’s currently on retail.


NO WAY! There was no possibility of killing Van or Drek with the towers still up NONE! They would roll through and the Marshals would 1 sot everyone!

BLIZZARD Please fix this! YOU must have to take towers and I dare say collect bloods and summon Ivan and Lokthar for those Amazing kick@ss fights in the Field of Strife seeing Ivan and Lokthar battling while we fight amongst there feet!

OH AND HUGE Lokthar and IVAN too! Not the 1/4 scale wannabees

You do know they grow as they get kills right?

I remember they were big when summoned

Actually, I find it quite odd that the only comments on that linked thread are gung ho non angry posts, yet the ones on the actual forums want to have a frank talk with whoever made this monumentally bad decision. Not one single negative post on that page. :thinking:


Oh, I know. I told them to. Multiple times.

I know that even a fully accurate 1.12 AV would be bad; I’m just not even sure that this is fully accurate.

How big or not when they are summoned is really no issue, they get HUGE when they get many kills.

youve obviously never played the old AV. There were too many mobs to do that, you literally had to fight in the middle of the battlefield because you needed to be able to spawn close enough to things to actually take the towers.

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In 1.5 yea, but in 1.12 all the mobs were nerfed and many where removed.

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Good. This forum is a massive dumpster fire full of salt and trolls. 99% of the useful content comes from blue posts.

so let me get this straight… horde getting rekt in AV by ally pveing harder? lololololol.


You are right. I know for certain because i have the distinct memory of being in a premade with my vanilla server’s first R14, and having us rush the general on multiple AVs. Alliance would be taking out towers still, while we would just end it. I was the tank.

I also remember my first time diving in with all of the marshalls still up. I thought for sure I was going to get wrecked. I was instead surprised to see how easy it went.

Is this another April fool’s joke? Zerg AV’s?!?! I come home to this? I’ll just kill harpies and get free Pvp gear

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Can a guild que 40man for this or not ?

It is authentic 1.12 AV…sorry to say.


Blizzard put the correct AV in retail with Korraks and there is zero reason they couldn’t have done it in Classic. What was the best BGs in vanilla is an ABSOLUTE FAILURE in Classic.

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