WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Now Live!

Not quite.

Frankly, I couldn’t tell you when this happened on Gorefiend and Ysondre, but eventually it did, and that was that. I just knew that I didn’t explode on impact in Vanilla when I went in to Tank and someone did something stupid like pulling early. I just chalked it up then to Drek being not that interesting of a boss and Druid armor being OP.

AV retail you actually have to cap some GYs and destroy bunkers/towers… This version is ridiculous, you just skip everything. I mean sure if we had AQ/Naxx gear and rush it because we overgear it but 8min AV in MC gear, just no…


Just like how it is impossible to kill Rag before first Sons because… reasons…

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I think it’s pretty easily fixed by buffing the towers and bosses. Then you’re forced to fight at the towers and defend them.

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Having started in 2006, this version of AV is the only one I know. It’s also my favorite BG.

yeah but there are far more people playing so the % of ungeared people is probably the same.

please separate the pve and rp realms from the pvp realms in the battleground ques. This is just feeding the pve players to the hardcore pvpers on the pvp servers.

Oh, there is a far higher gear level then av back in 2005, i can guarantee that.

pve players would have better gear right now than a “hardcore” pvp player…

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I can’t translate that, there were more dumb players that didn’t know anything about the game as far as the forums are concerned. And to disagree, would be futile.

I’d be in favor of this if and only if AV received a new bracket for 60’s only. Otherwise you’re asking lvl53’s to just melt on arrival the moment a stray anything comes their way.

That’s really the tuning problem here. Everyone rushing into AV is mostly 4/8 Tier 1 or w/e equivalent worth of MC/Ony loot, plus all or nearly all the BiS pieces from 5mans. I was still leveling when I did AV the first time, and I could OT a Drek puppy.

While there are definitely sub-60’s in AV, and folks who aren’t geared either, I would also take that bet that a majority of the AVs are filled with very geared raiders. It’ll be months before we see more ragtag crews than solidly geared full-epics teams.

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I have a question for the Classic team.

Are you ashamed that the Retail 15th Anniversary event has a more accurate and true Classic Alterac Valley than Classic does?

Because you should be.


This version of AV is:

RETAIL GARBAGE, 8 minute zergfest


It’s actually vanilla garbage, retail currently has the better AV lol


I get that people provide feedback and blizzard sometimes considers it, what I’m saying is why are people acting like they’re surprised what version we got? They told us what version we were getting and never said they were changing that. By all means give feedback that’s what the forums are good for, but everyone should have known how this was going to go today.

What do you mean? I haven’t gotten out of work yet, is it not the old 7 hour summon Lokthar and Ivan, collecting bloods AV?

No, that was 1.5, this is the “zerg the end boss” av.


I wanted the old AV not the zerg one, I am crushed


Yet you gave the blue a :heart:

Took it back, the ONLY reason I leveled this toon was for 7 hour AVs! I am speechless!