WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Now Live!

With all 4 towers up, Drek should’ve one-shotted everyone but the tank (which would’ve been 2-3 hits).

I have a feeling the buffs aren’t working properly.


Probably because no one likes AV. Just like i said earlier and have always said for 15 years.

Definitely needs a hotfix. Most groups are doing the Blitz strat

Why would you use this version of AV?!


No, you got the 1.12 AV that was just as hard as this one. Which is to say, people hadn’t yet learned how easily you could zerg the crap out of it, on top of a ton of raid-geared 60’s who are optimized for destroying PvE content.

What you got is player-driven, no different than no-Sons Rag kills and <10 man Onyxia farm groups.

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i remember 2-3 arrows from tower meant death


You are a non-stop troll and very easily dismissed.


An actual Tank in proper gear/spec doesn’t get destroyed by Drek, he really doesn’t hit that hard. The problem was always a lack of Healers and timid/weak DPS doing pitiful damage.

Drek ping-ponging between casters and Hunters is more than enough time to drop his sorry butt into the ground, the dude has less health than Shaz.

Because it was always doable and the fastest method. Even if they massively buff Drek and other NPCs, folks will continue to zerg.


Absolute garbage. sub 10 minute AV matches. What a joke.
Since everyone has so much better gear/specs now (min/max has ensured that), they need to drastically buff the general’s health and damage to be almost unkillable without taking out the towers.


Classic has been pretty easy.

Not if it’s a one shot. Here’s hoping they hotfix this.

technically, they release bg’s early, so people would be less geared than they were when av really released.
also, most caster bis gear has no stam, how they get past the towers without death /shrug.

Hope you guys like the nerfed AV action or lack there of. The original AV last for days. This patch they are using is just a race to the last boss. The side that knows the maps flaws usually wins. Its a joke of a BG in this version but good rep rewards.


Also, it was never a one-shot in Vanilla either, folks were just horrendously ill-prepared, badly spec’d, worse geared, and had it firmly in their heads that the only “right” way to do Drek was with all Warmasters dead. Funny how 15yrs of experience and thought can change what we thought was correct back then.


Hahaha, no.

The first rag kill was less than 2 months before AV released, not to mention EU wow released in FEB of 2005, AV was released in June.

we are FAR more geared now than on AV release. Most people weren’t even 60 when av released

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Sorry #nochanges holds no water here when a PvP BG is turned into a PvE zergfest. The only reason people will support this is because they aren’t truly interested in PvP.

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The BG was always a PvE-centric set of objectives, and you’re mad people have figured out how to avoid the inconvenience of PvP in order to win the BG, which is by killing a PvE boss? /giggle

Go do WSG if you want PvP that focuses on PvP. AV was always just an instanced wPvP simulator, where the PvP was incidental to a very different goal.


Seems I was right

This is why I was hoping for 1.5. Fasciae is right. Back in the day, people did play this version by killing the towers first. But as some point, a group figured out that the end guy wasn’t that tough and you could just rush him. Hence the meta was changed forever.

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That might have something to do with the fact that you can’t use classic characters there.

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