WoW Classic Ventrilo Server

Thats right. You wanted it and now you got it. You want that classic wow experience and don’t want to use the latest and greatest chat tools?

Do you want to hear that lovely vent binding sounds? Do you want to experience 40 people talking over each other? Do you miss the pain, but also love that ventrilo was for you?

Well come test out our experimental vent server. We will be posting here about more servers spawning and what not. This is just for fun and not intended to be a serious server. We just want to see who all wants to join in vent and relive the glory days.

For now you can download Ventrilo Version 3. Please note version 4 will not work with our server. Download version from here official. I can’t add links, but its something like ventrilo dot com/download.php

The server connection details are as follows:
Hostname or IP: Message me for connect
Port Number: 3784
Password: [Leave Blank]
Default Channel: [Leave Blank]

Please note this is just designed to be a fun gathering for everyone. We’d like to eventually create channels for realms and let people get together and just chat.

For those that don’t know what Ventrilo is, well, stick with Discord as you will be royally disappointed with Vent. Any-who I look forward to seeing who gets on!



Vent sucks like the endless vacuum of space.

Hard pass.



Lol. Guess you didn’t read the whole post. Its just for fun. You aren’t required to do anything. But some people want that authentic wow experience. Some people want that endless vacuum you describe. So again like the post says, you can stick to your current chat tools.

I think ventrillo is a super neat idea, but im too addicted to discord. I love having channels and posting/reading stuff. :laughing:


Oh, I read the whole thing. Vent is just as much fun as talking on a piece of string between two tin cans in the middle of a hurricane while standing barefoot on Legos.

Oh don’t get me wrong discord is amazing, but you can’t have classic wow without the pain that was also Ventrilo too amirite :wink:

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Being able to hear what people say is nice, too.

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Ok boomer.

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And don’t forgot those Aussie guilds trying to make you install mumble for some PuG raid…

Comparing vent to todays tools is just dumb. This is again just a nostalgia thing. Those of us who played wow back when the only options were Vent/Teamspeak. So yeah gg bud.

It’s nice being able to afford top of the line headphones.

Oh man Mumble. and it was always the aussies too lol. Good memory man.


Tell us more about your fixie and your vinyl collection.

Lol attempting to roast someone about old school things, while in fact you are playing classic wow (an old school game) just points back to you muchacho, but yeah good one. Cool flex bro.

I just hate Vent. You’re the one flexing, son.

Bro everyone hates vent. This isn’t about liking vent. Its about just reliving some nostalgia. I even said in the OG post vent is pain lol. Again this is just all for fun lol. I don’t even expect people to join, but hey if they do fun.

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And I said Vent sucks.

And now you have a mini-tutorial on how public forums work.

Kk thnx bb

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