WoW Classic Ventrilo Server

You are very welcome.

In the future, consider using LiveJournal.

Nah. I’ll just stick to my Xanga and Vent


OMG YES! Solid find. I am curious if he’d make a song about Discord now lol.

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Discord was broken one raid night, luckily my old teamspeak server was still functional and we were able to get on with the raid.


Bet that brought back some memories lol. We had discord break too and we used my vent which is spawned this open server concept.

I got a good chuckle from that. Thank you :slight_smile:


4 stam 4 strength leather belt ahhhhhh hmmmmm

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It took my friends years to get me off of vent and onto teamspeak. Now all these kids today are using that discord nonsense. I don’t see myself going back to vent, though, but my TS server will live forever.

Yeah I remember when my guild back in the day moved from Vent to TS it seemed like night and day. Thankfully never had to use mumble, but sometimes you gotta go back to appreciate where you are now :wink:

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